Ireland 2016 is a year-long programme of activity, in which everyone is invited to participate, to commemorate the events of the 1916 Rising, to reflect on our achievements as a democratic state over the last 100 years and to look towards Ireland’s future.
The national programme, which was announced by the government on 31 March 2015, includes seven strands; State Ceremonial; Historical Reflection; An Teanga Bheo/The Living Language; Youth and Imagination; Cultural Expression; Community Participation; Global and Diaspora.
The Community Participation strand is being led by local authorities across the country and Cork County Council is currently involved in drafting a Programme for the upcoming Centenary. This programme is being prepared by Cork County Council’s All-Party 1916 Centenary Commemorative Committee and a County Coordinator has also been appointed, responsible for coordinating the local programme.
Following a meeting of the Cork County Council 1916 Centenary Commemorative Committee on Friday 26th June, 2015, Cork County Council with the support of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, is delighted to formally seek details of all written proposals to form part of Cork’s Plan for 2016 and indeed to announce details of the 1916 Centenary Fund. Full details and the application form itself are available online (click on link for Ireland 2016 – Cork). Please note that the closing date for proposals and application forms is Tuesday 28th July 2015, to be sent to: Conor Nelligan, ‘Ireland 2016’ Cork County Coordinator, Cork County Council, Floor 3, County Hall, Cork or by email to
Details of the Ireland 2016 Centenary Programme are available at A Working Document with a background to Cork and 1916 as well as a summary of the National 2016 Agenda is available to download on One can also follow Ireland 2016 on Facebook and Twitter: #ireland2016 #eire2016
For further information on the Cork County ‘Ireland 2016’ Programme, contact: Conor Nelligan (email or phone 021 4276891).

Newly elected Mayor of Cork County Cllr. John Paul O’ Shea formally launching the 1916 centenary fund