Good news was received this week after North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’ Shea received confirmation from the Department of Education & Skills that funding had been secured for St. Anne’s Primary School, Charleville for the Conversion of Four Rooms into 2 Mainstream Classrooms & Three Special Education Teaching (SET) Rooms.
Welcoming confirmation of funding, Cllr. O’ Shea said “ This is great news for the pupils, parents and staff of St. Anne’s Primary School, Charleville. This is an important step forward for the school in the overall development of the School ensuring the educational needs for the area into the future”.
Cllr. O’ Shea added “I want to wish the Principal and Board of Management well over the coming months as they undergo this conversion which will now doubt be time consuming and alot of hard work but rewarding all the same knowing the much improved facilities willbe available for the Pupils in the very near future”.