Tuesday 11 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

O’Shea Encourages North Cork Community and Voluntary Groups supporting Older People to Apply for New €1m Funding Scheme

O’Shea Encourages North Cork Community and Voluntary Groups supporting Older People to Apply for New €1m Funding Scheme

A new funding scheme aimed at community and voluntary groups supporting older people in their community is now open for applications, North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea has confirmed.  

“My colleague Minister of State with Responsibility for Older People, Jim Daly, has announced that a €1m grant scheme is being made available to community and voluntary groups to continue to support older people to stay well and remain connected with their local community. The grant scheme will be administered by the HSE. 

“I am delighted to note also that approximately €250,000 of this funding will be dedicated to dementia related initiatives. 

“This funding will help recognise and support the valuable work that these organisations do and will help older people live in their local community. These services include meals on wheels, day care and social care.  

“I would encourage community and voluntary groups in North Cork to submit ‘Older Persons’ Friendly’ projects that are in line with the National Positive Ageing Strategy, the Irish National Dementia Strategy, the Carers’ Strategy and the Task Force on Loneliness.  

Minister Jim Daly said: “The development of this Scheme was a key priority for me in last year’s estimates and service planning processes. The role of the community and voluntary sector in supporting our older citizens cannot be understated.   

“It is not enough, however, to applaud the valuable service provided by community and voluntary agencies; we must support them to expand and develop their existing services. I also see scope under this grant scheme for small community groups to work together in an integrated and cohesive way, putting them on a more sustainable footing.”