Saturday 18 January 2025
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235 family homes to be insulated throughout North Cork in 2014

235 families will be feeling a lot cosier this year as Cork County Council is to insulate a large proportion of their council houses throughout North Cork.


Works totalling at the cost of over €750,000 include attic and wall insulation, lagging boilers and draft proofing of windows and doors. Cork County Council has already insulated over 500 houses in its stock during 2013, 200 of these houses in North Cork.


Welcoming the announcement of further insulation works for 2014, North Cork Independent Cllr. John Paul O’ Shea said, “This second phase of home insulation works will be of huge benefit to the many families in the area. The cost of energy and electricity is escalating every day and I am delighted that Cork County Council is now in the position to continue insulating these homes. This will help the families involved reduce their energy and fuel costs and to have a cosier home in 2014″.


Locations where insulation works will take place in Cork County Council homes include Banteer, Kanturk, Kilbrin, Rockchapel, Meelin, Tullylease, Milford, Newmarket, Boherbue, Ballydesmond, Kiskeam, Kilcorney, Millstreet, Nadd, Rathcoole, Dromahane, Dromina, Churchtown & Ballyclough.


Cork County Council is hoping to be in a position later this year to commence further insulation works such as extra external and internal insulation such as dry lining of damp rooms in houses which has solid or hollow block construction. They also hope to be in a position to replace all single glazed or poor performing windows and doors.


Cllr. O’ Shea concluded “This is indeed wonderful news for over 235 families in the North Cork area. It is important that Cork County Council as the landlord to over 7,000 family homes countywide do their upmost to maintain and renovate their stock for the benefit of their tenants”.