Tuesday 11 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

Being Winter Ready – Salt Bins available for Residents Associations and Community Groups

Being Winter Ready – Salt Bins available for Residents Associations and Community Groups

As part of Cork County Council’s Winter Service Plan, a limited number of salt bins are being made available to Residents Associations and Community Groups on a shared funding basis. Under this initiative, the Council will make bins and salt available at a subsidized rate to aid Community Groups and residents in dealing with icy road and footpath conditions in areas that are not covered by the Council’s Road Treatment Routes.

Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Mary Linehan Foley noted that with the likelihood of further cold weather, this initiative will be beneficial for many communities;

“Cork County Council has a longstanding and proven partnership with the many hardworking community groups in Cork County and this approach has been successful not only with large scale initiatives, but also with practical measures such as this. The application process is simple, and the shared funding arrangement makes this a sustainable initiative for Community Groups and Residents Associations.” 

Chair of the Cork County Older People’s Council (OPC), Liz Maddox, welcomed the initiative noting;

‘Any initiative that improves accessibility is most welcome. Icy footpaths and roads can be particularly challenging to older people and those with mobility impairments, so it is great that Cork County Council is partnering with communities to provide these bins.”

Niall Healy, Director of Services at Cork County Council and Chair of Cork County Age Friendly Alliance noted that the Council has engaged positively with the OPC throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, including initiatives such as Winter CARE Packs which were issued to OPC members by post in December;

“We always endeavor to support communities, especially the most vulnerable people within them. These kinds of practical interventions can make a huge difference to people in terms of accessibility and mobility.”

Cork County Council noted that stocks are limited, and that provision of bins will be agreed by the Council and the applicant groups. Application forms are available at www.corkcoco.ie and should be submitted to the Area Roads Office in which the Community Group or Residents Association is active.

For further information, interested groups should contact their Local Area Office, details of which are available www.corkcoco.ie