Friday 17 January 2025
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Boherbue National School Extension Gets Planning Green Light

Boherbue National School Extension Gets Planning Green Light

The pupils, parents and staff at Boherbue National Scholl have received an early New Year present from Cork County Council with the authority granting planning permission for an extension to its School.

North Cork Fine Gael Cllr. John Paul O’Shea has welcomed confirmation from Cork County Council that Planning Permission has now been secured for the construction of an extension to Boherbue National School. The extension will comprise of a new classroom with ensuite toilets, WC for assisted users, 2 new Special Education Teaching (SET) rooms, a general purpose room and a new entrance lobby.

Welcoming the news, Cllr. O’Shea said “this is an important step in the process of getting new facilities in our primary schools across all of North Cork. Boherbue National School has served the village and its catchment area well over the years but with expanding pupil numbers and service needs, an extension is warranted for the School. It is imperative we provide the much needed facilities for our young people along with the staff at the School. These people are our future and we need to provide them with the best opportunity for their future”.

Cllr. O’Shea added “We have seen a huge increase in development of housing and amenities in Boherbue over the last 10-15 years and it is important the we continue to provide essential services such as educational facilities for the village. I look forward to seeing this project progress over the coming weeks and months. I have visited the school and met with the Principal Ms. Marie Casey who showed me the plans for the School extension. My congratulations to the staff, pupils and parents of Boherbue National School who are all supportive of the extension. I look forward to paying a return visit to the school to see the fantastic new facilities once completed”.