Tuesday 3 December 2024
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Contact Details T: 086 8903154 Email : johnpaul.oshea@cllr.corkcoco.ie

Calling All Food & Beverage Producers in North Cork – LEADER Food Initiative Funding

Calling All Food & Beverage Producers in North Cork – LEADER Food Initiative Funding
Could your Food business benefit from funding for Capital Investment, analysis and development or training?
If so, you should be applying for the ‘LEADER Food Initiative’ – a fund of €15 million for the artisan/small food and beverage business community.

The Initiative will provide financial supports, including for the renovation and extension of production facilities and the purchasing of processing equipment, as well as supporting participants in the artisan food and beverage sector in areas such as market development, competitiveness, and innovation.

The maximum amount of funding available is €200,000 per project and funding will be provided for both capital investment and softer supports related to analysis and development or training. This includes support for collaborative proposals where food businesses jointly address common processing and marketing challenges.

Welcoming the Funding, North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’ Shea said “The LEADER Food Initiative will support investment in marketing, product quality and supply chain skills for these food producers. There will also be a focus on marketing distinctive local and regional food products. I have no doubt that this Initiative will provide a huge boost to the food sector and help improve the marketing and delivery of the wonderful food products that we have. There is significant local, national and international demand for Irish artisan food and the LEADER Food Initiative will enable producers to get their product to a wider market”.

Cllr. O’ Shea concluded by encouraging artisan and small food businesses in rural Ireland to contact the Local Action Group (LAG) or Implementing Partner in their area as soon as possible to discuss the available funding opportunities. 

Implementing Partners in North Cork are as follows:

  • Avondhu Blackwater Partnership CLG 022 – 46580 info@avondhublackwater.com 
  • Ballyhoura Development Ltd. 063 – 91300 info@ballyhoura.org
  • IRD Duhallow Ltd. 029 – 60633 duhallow@eircom.net