Tuesday 11 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

Children at the Heart of Budget 2025 – O’Shea

Children at the Heart of Budget 2025 – O’Shea

Budget 2025 will ensure the best start for every child in Cork with significant investment in early learning and childcare, and education, Fine Gael candidate for Cork North West Cllr. John Paul O’Shea has said.

Cllr. O’Shea said: “Through Budget 2025, Fine Gael is helping to make Ireland the best country in the world to be a child.

“A 24% increase in investment in early learning and childcare will result in €1.37bn being spent on the care and education of our youngest in 2025, the biggest ever investment.   

“With this budget more than doubling during the lifetime of this Fine Gael led government, children in Cork also benefit from a broad range of reforms including reduced childcare costs, stability and sustainability for providers, and pay increases for staff in the sector.

“It is clear that reforms in the early years sector introduced by Fine Gael are working, and in 2025, 216,000 children will benefit from the National Childcare Scheme, while the Early Childhood Care and Education Programme (ECCE) will benefit 107,000 children.

“I am pleased to hear that this progress will continue and grow next year, with the childcare fee freeze being maintained, ringfenced funding for a third successive staff pay increase, and an expansion of supports for children experiencing disadvantage.

“Funding for Tusla will increase by 14% or €145m, while an additional €6.95m is being provided to support and expand youth services.

“Fine Gael are providing €10.5bn to continue to invest in our schools, with an increase to capitation funding to meet running costs, additional funding for social inclusion programmes, and new initiatives to keep our schools smartphone free.

“Parents in Cork will welcome the extension of free schoolbooks to Senior Cycle students, reducing the cost of education for 200,000 students.

“I know that the provision of special education is a concern for many families in Cork. Significant progress has been made since Fine Gael introduced a dedicated Minister for Special Education and Inclusion in 2020, and this is further enhanced in Budget 2025.

“My Fine Gael colleague Minister Hildegarde Naughton has secured €33m in funding for an additional 1,600 SNAs, an additional 768 Special Education Teachers, and extra Special Educational Needs resources to support the provision of an inclusive education system.

“Families in Cork rely heavily on the school transport scheme, and funding of €52m will ensure it continues to support the transport of children to and from school. Free public transport is also being extended to children aged between five and eight years old.

“I have heard first hand from parents and teachers of the success of the hot school meals in participating schools in Cork.

“I am delighted that Minister Humphreys has secured funding to complete the rollout of this programme to all remaining primary schools, meaning every child in Cork will get a hot lunch in school, and busy parents will have one less thing to worry about.

“This programme is a key element in efforts to tackle child poverty and will now come alongside a pilot project to tackle holiday hunger.

“Fine Gael are supporting children with a double child benefit payment in November and December supporting working families in the run up to Christmas. 

“Maternity, Paternity, and Parents Benefit will be increased to €289 per week and a €400 lump sum for Working Family Payment are amongst other measures families in Cork will welcome.

“Fine Gael want to provide the necessary conditions to support out most precious citizens to thrive and investment in childcare and education in Budget 2025 are further proof of this commitment,” Cllr. O’Shea concluded.