Friday 17 January 2025
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Christmas Fair and Santa’s Grotto at Mallow Castle – Sat December 6th

Mallow Development Partnership will hold a Christmas Fair on the grounds of Mallow Castle with the theme of the fair being “Children and Charities”.

The festival opens at 10.30 am and will have a Santa, Santa’s Grotto, a Christmas Train Drive around the grounds of Mallow Castle, Christmas Gift Bags, Face Painter and a Balloon Modeller on site plus much much more. There will be lots of food stalls and novelty stalls as well. The seven primary schools and three second level schools in the locality along with the Mallow Gospel Singers have been invited to perform Christmas Carols and Christmas Songs, at an allotted time during the day.

Cór Mágh Ealla will provide a finale to the fair with a selection of carols and lead a candle lit procession on the grounds of the castle in commemoration of the Christmas Truce of 1914 at approximately 4.30pm.

A lot has been done but a lot still needs to be done. Cork County Council, Mallow Chamber, Mallow Men’s Shed, Outreach College, Mallow Schools, Mallow Credit Union, Bweeng Community and some other benefactors have all come on board and have been generous with their support.

Mallow Men's Shed and students in Youthreach, Mallow are very busy at the moment preparing Santa's Grotto for his visit to Mallow Castle on Sat Dec 6th next

Mallow Men’s Shed and students in Youthreach, Mallow are very busy at the moment preparing Santa’s Grotto for his visit to Mallow Castle on Sat Dec 6th next