Saturday 18 January 2025
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Community Groups Encouraged to Apply for Smoke Alarms for Elderly and Vulnerable Residents

Community Groups Encouraged to Apply for Smoke Alarms for Elderly and Vulnerable Residents

Cork County Fire Department, in conjunction with the National Directorate for Fire and Emergency Management, is providing PPN community groups with 10-year battery operated smoke alarms for distribution and installation within elderly and vulnerable residents’ dwellings. 

Cork North West Fine Gael General Election candidate Councillor John Paul O’Shea is encouraging community groups in Cork to apply to the Cork County Fire Service Smoke Alarm Scheme to provide smoke alarms for elderly or vulnerable residents. 

Accumulated completed application forms are to be returned either to Fire & Building Control Department, Cork County Council, County Hall Campus, Carrigrohane Road, Cork or to a Divisional Fire Department HQ in Mallow, Bantry or Midleton. 

Following assessment by the Senior Fire Officer, the smoke alarms will then be distributed and can be collected at the fire station in their local area by a group liaison person. 

The Fire Department is also available to provide a fire safety talk for community groups in their areas should they wish. If your community is interested in organising a fire safety talk, contact Caitriona Moloney, Assistant Fire Officer, at