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Cork County Community Groups Invited to Apply for Local Enhancement Programme 2024

Cork County Community Groups Invited to Apply for Local Enhancement Programme 2024

Cork County Council is inviting applications from community and voluntary groups for funding under the new Local Enhancement Programme (LEP) and Women’s Groups Fund 2024. 

Funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development, the €254,559 LEP capital only fund will help groups, particularly in disadvantaged areas, with funding for small scale capital projects such as improvements to their facilities and purchase of equipment. 

Within the LEP, €40,926 will be available for the Women’s Groups Fund to assist groups and clubs with small capital projects and equipment purchases, as well as the continued support of Women’s Sheds Groups.

Welcoming the fund, North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea said, “Community and voluntary groups have an incredibly positive impact in every corner of our county. Funding such as this will help to bolster these efforts, shaping the future of our towns and villages with impactful projects. I encourage groups to consider making an application, to avail of this opportunity to turn those long-awaited plans into a reality.”

Chief Executive of Cork County Council, Valerie O’Sullivan, added, “Cork County Council’s Local Enhancement Programme is targeted towards enhancing facilities for communities impacted by disadvantage, as identified in the Local Economic and Community Plan. The new scheme follows on from the very successful Community Support Fund in 2023 which supported over 180 groups in Cork County. Funds such as these help communities turn their aspirations into reality, in turn building stronger, more vibrant communities for residents and visitors alike.”

The Local Enhancement Programme (LEP) Fund can be used to develop and improve facilities, for once-off maintenance, upgrade to amenities or equipment as well as for energy efficiency type projects. Grants will be available for projects of €1,000 or less and over €1000. The LEP is supported by Cork County Council’s three Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs).

The closing date for applications is Monday the 26th of February at 3:00pm. Applications can be made online via Cork County Council’s website at 

For further information, contact the Council’s Local Community Development Unit on 021- 4285561 or 021-4285828 or email