Tuesday 11 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

Cork County Council operations for RED Weather Warning

Cork County Council operations for RED Weather Warning

The STATUS RED Snow-ice Warning for Munster that issued from Met Eireann, remains valid from Thursday March 1st  to Friday March 2nd 12 noon.  The issue of a RED level severe weather warning advises people to protect themselves and/or their properties.

This RED Warning relates to low temperatures and wind with occasional hail and snow showers. Later this evening blizzard-like conditions with heavier snow will arrive in the south. Temperatures will remain sub-zero for all of today with strong easterly winds with gale gusts giving significant chill.

Cork County Council’s Severe Weather Assessment Team and Crisis Management Team have convened to review operations which are currently underway. 

In addition, the Cork Local Coordination Group have convened and are asking members of the public to heed advice from the National Emergency Coordination Group to not venture out of doors while the red level warning is in place.

All Council offices and amenities, including libraries, will remain closed Thursday March 1st and Friday March 2nd.

Cork County Council has opened a 24 hour emergency line on 021 4800048.

Roads have been continuously treated overnight and this morning in accordance with the Council’s Winter Service Plan. 26 vehicles were in use and 400 tonnes of salt was applied in the last 24 hours. However with the threat of severe blizzards and no visibility in the interests of the safety of its operatives Cork County Council will be suspending road treatments this afternoon. Road clearance and treatment operations will resume on tomorrow Friday as soon as it safe to do so.  Snow ploughs are available and are ready to recommence operations, starting with the National Roads once it is safe to do so on Friday.

Grit is available at over 190 locations across the county for use by local communities.  Locations of grit across Cork County can be found athttp://www.corkcoco.ie/sites/cork-cms/files/Grit%20Locations%20-%20revised%2028%20Feb%202018.pdf

If travel is absolutely necessary, all road users are asked to exercise extreme caution on roads and to never assume that a route has been treated.  Similarly pedestrians are asked to take extra care using footpaths.

Due to high tides and possible early thaw there is a significant risk of flooding in the low lying areas of Bantry, Clonakilty, Midleton and Youghal tomorrow evening and Saturday morning.

Cork County Council has been in contact with Irish Water and has confirmed sufficient chemical storage for treatment plants.  Tankers are also on standby for water supply for housing estates if required.  Customers experiencing water outages should contact Irish Water on 1850278278 or consult the Irish Water website for the most up to date information. 

The Council’s Housing Department will respond to the impact that the severe weather may have on any person sleeping rough in the county.  Cork County Council has also put a 24 hour maintenance policy into effect for council tenants.  If a Council tenant experiences any difficulty they are advised to contact 021 4800048.

Cork County Council is advising the public to make preparations for this severe weather event. Owners of vacant premises are asked to shut off their water supplies as a precaution in case of frozen pipes.  Members of the public are asked to look in on elderly or vulnerable neighbours to ensure they have adequate heating and food supplies for a few days. 

Updates will be provided on Cork County Council’s social media channels and website. 

Further updates will issue in due course.