Friday 17 January 2025
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Cork INC (Innovated, Networked, Connected) to be established under the joint auspices of Cork City and County Councils

The new entity, Cork INC will comprise three main functions in its remit as follows –

* Leisure Tourism (working title “Visit Cork”)

* Strategic Economic Marketing

* B to B Tourism (Cork Convention Bureau)


Its defined terms of reference will be agreed in early course and a Head of Strategic Marketing, charged with delivering this work for Cork will be appointed.


Given that the Cork Convention Bureau is jointly funded directly by Cork City and County Councils, it is proposed that the CCB, which is very successful at attracting B to B tourism and conferences to the region, would form part of this new structure  and its future funding will be channelled through it also.  The Convention Bureau is seen by both local authorities as an important constituent of the new governance structure, and one from which new elements will learn valuable lessons in how best to attract activity into the region.


Declan Daly, Temporary Cork County Manager said “this proposal strongly reflects the unified commitment of Cork City and County Councils to jointly achieve the most for the region in terms of tourism, visitors, investment, marketing and economic development.”


The Cork Strategic Marketing Brand Proposition Group, chaired by the City Manager, at present includes membership from Failte Ireland, Cork Airport, University College Cork, Cork Institute of Technology, Cork Chamber of Commerce, the Port of Cork, Enterprise Ireland, and IDA Ireland.


It is intended that the governance structure of this new entity will include leaders from all of these organisations, and also include other organisations such as the Cork Business Association, the Irish Hotels Federation, and a Public Relations / Communications expert.  The new governance structure may include, but not be limited to, the representation listed herein.


Cork City and County Councils are bodies charged with the task of leading the economic development of their areas, as provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014, and as such, each authority will take responsibility under their respective Managers / Chief Executives for leading the new entity. This commitment to progress the establishment of the new entity and fund the post of a Head of Strategic Marketing is a significant step forward. Further development of structures and resources will, through funding across the wider group of stakeholders, ensure its success for the region.


Mr. Daly said it was intended to continue this approach into the future and to give the Councils’ full commitment to the new Head of Strategic Marketing, when recruited, to deliver upon the work already undertaken and to programme new work which will ensure the success of the region.  “Cork INC will be given clear and measurable targets and deliverables, against which the region can assess its success,” he concluded.