Sunday 8 September 2024
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Council Publication Explores the Heritage Towns and Villages of County Cork

Council Publication Explores the Heritage Towns and Villages of County Cork

Cork County Council has launched the 10th installment of its heritage publication series entitled ‘Heritage Towns and Villages of County Cork’.

Speaking after the launch, North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea noted “Earlier this year, members of the public, community groups and historians from throughout the county were invited to submit details of their hometown or village for inclusion in the publication. The wonderful response to this call, coupled with the expertise of author Denis Power has produced an outstanding insight into the place we call home. Cork is a county that we are all very proud of and this book gives a great overview and understanding of so much of the wonderful heritage that the county has to offer. I congratulate all those who contributed.”  

The County of Cork contains over 300 identifiable settlements. Some of these are recent, while some can trace their origins back over many hundreds of years. Close to 200 settlements were already well established by the time of the first Ordnance Survey mapping of the county, almost 200 years ago, in the first half of the nineteenth century.

Towns and villages in the County of Cork are full of places of wonder, combined with characters spanning the centuries. Many heritage buildings survive within these settlements as do many of the customs, for example, weekly markets, fairs and much more. 

Chief Executive of Cork County Council, Tim Lucey also spoke of the importance of recording the history and heritage of the county’s towns and villages, noting, “Since 2013, and with the support of the Heritage Council, Cork County Council’s Heritage Unit has been undertaking a range of books under ‘The Heritage of County Cork Publication Series’. This most recent addition, which features over 230 settlements from throughout the County of Cork, gives a superb overview of what can be found in towns and villages throughout the county. These heritage features and attributes define our locality and underpin each community.”

‘Heritage Towns and Villages of County Cork’ retails at €10 and is now available from your local bookshop. For more information on these and other Cork County Council heritage initiatives visit the Heritage section of or email

Further Information:

Since 2013, and with the support of the Heritage Council, Cork County Council’s Heritage Unit has been undertaking a range of books titled ‘The Heritage of County Cork Publication Series’. This series has met with recognition and to date consists of: Heritage Bridges (2013); Heritage Houses (2014); Heritage Churches (2015), Heritage Centenary Sites (2016); Heritage Castles (2017), Europe and the County of Cork – A Heritage Perspective (2018); Industrial Heritage (2019), the Archaeological Heritage of County Cork (2020) and Heritage Artefacts of County Cork (2021).