The Creative Ireland Programme is an ambitious one – it is ‘an invitation to the entire country to get involved in something truly inspirational. At its heart is collaboration – between central and local government, between culture and industry, between artists and policy makers – to facilitate an ecosystem of creativity’.
The Programme has five key strands, which are: 1: Enabling the Creative Potential of Every Child; 2: Enabling Creativity in Every Community; 3: Investing in our Creative and Cultural Infrastructure; 4: Ireland as a Centre of Excellence in Media Production and 5: Unifying our Global Reputation.
The Community Participation Strand (Strand 2) is being led by local authorities across the country and Cork County Council has recently undertaken an action plan (County Cork Culture and Creativity Plan 2017) for implementing Creative Ireland in the County of Cork this year. This will shortly be available online at and in support of this plan and the Creative Ireland Programme as a whole, a grant scheme has been put in place.
The Creative Ireland County Cork Grant Scheme 2017 is being financed through monies from the Department of Culture and the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government. The Scheme recognises the importance of the community sector to the county’s very culture and well-being and aims to support people and communities in undertaking projects and events that are in keeping with any one or many of the Creative Ireland Programme Strands as well as the County Cork Culture and Creativity Plan 2017, in addition to initiatives that will generate awareness of the Creative Ireland Programme as a whole.
Full details and the application form itself are available online via or by requesting same via
Please note that the closing date for proposals and application forms is 16:00 on Tuesday 18th July 2017, to be sent to: Conor Nelligan, ‘Creative Ireland Coordinator, Cork County Council, Floor 3, County Hall, Cork or by email to Details of Creative Ireland are available online via
For further information relating to Creative Ireland in the County of Cork, please contact: Conor Nelligan (email or phone 021 4276891).