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Deadline for Beef Exceptional Aid Measure applications extended to 15th September – Clinic in Macroom this Friday

Deadline for Beef Exceptional Aid Measure applications extended to 15th September – Clinic in Macroom this Friday
The deadline for Beef Exceptional Aid Measure [BEAM] applications has been extended by a week, Cork North West Fine Gael General Election candidate Councillor John Paul O’Shea has said.  Cllr. O’Shea also announced details of a clinic in the Castle Hotel, Macroom this Friday to help with the application process.  
Cllr. O’Shea said: “The online application process was scheduled to close on Sunday the 8th of September, but this has been extended to midnight on Sunday the 15th of September.  I am delighted to see that a large number of farmers have already applied online for this key support with over 20,000 already submitting their applications.  However, there are still over 70,000 farmers who are potentially eligible for a payment. With this in mind, my Fine Gael colleague, Agriculture Minister Michael Creed has decided to extend the deadline to facilitate applications from as many of these as possible. In order to ensure that the Department is in a position to make payments to applicants at the earliest possible date, I would urge eligible farmers in Cork to make their application by the new deadline.” 

Cllr. O’Shea added: “In addition to the deadline extension the Minister also announced a number of clinics that his Department will be providing in the run up to the closing date.  A clinic will be held in the Castle Hotel, Main Street,  Macroom between 10am and 4pm on tomorrow, Friday, September 6th. In recent years, the Department has put in place clinics around the country where farmers can meet one to one with a member of staff and make their application there and then.   
“These clinics proved very popular with farmers for BPS, and I am happy to confirm that the same service is being extended for BEAM. I am keenly aware that all farmers are dealing with very challenging circumstances at present and in particular beef farmers. This scheme will provide some additional income support and I encourage anyone in Cork who is eligible to apply.”