Tuesday 11 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

Your dog poops, you scoop!

Your dog poops, you scoop!

With school holidays, tourist season and outdoor activities in full swing during the fine weather, Cork County Council is reminding dog owners of the importance of removing any dog waste from public areas and parks.

Cork County Council has run a number of awareness campaigns in the past and now wants to reiterate the need to keep Cork’s recreational amenities and public areas clean and beautiful for all to enjoy this summer.

“We are lucky to have such a beautiful county here in Cork, with a number of public parks and recreational areas for citizens and visitors. Dog owners, and those who enjoy walking dogs, have a responsibility to manage their dog waste effectively. I would urge dog owners and walkers to take the necessary measures to pick up and remove dog litter to keep our county beautiful, clean and free of health hazards,” said Seamus McGrath, Mayor of the County of Cork.

As well as littering the county, dog foul also presents significant health risks, particularly for young children, elderly and those in wheelchairs or with disabilities. While it is always important to properly dispose of dog foul, it is all the more critical during summer months when there are larger numbers of people outdoors enjoying the good weather, visiting recreational areas and taking in the sights of Cork County.

“Owners must take responsibility for their pets, and this includes properly picking up and disposing of their dog waste when in public areas. All dog walkers should carry doggie waste bags when going out with their pet,” said Don Kelly, County Dog Warden. “We are reminding dog owners that it is an offense, carrying an on-the-spot fine, not to manage dog foul effectively. We welcome members of the public and local community to be proactive in relation to dog litter and to contact Cork County Council with details of offenders,” he added.

“Every pet owner has a responsibility to mind their animal and look after it. Managing your dogs waste is an equally important part of this duty, for the pet and the public in general,” said Louis Duffy, Director of Services at Cork County Council. “Dog owners can place bagged dog waste in any bin provided along their route, and where there is not a bin, owners must take the bagged waste away with them. It is just not possible or practical for County Council to provide bins everywhere that people walk their dogs. Many locations are relatively isolated and difficult to service, or others are susceptible to abuse and damage. We ask dog owners to bag and bin their dog waste respectfully and effectively.”


Dr. Mary Stack , Cork County Council, Mayor of the County of Cork Seamus McGrath, Ciara O’Mahony of Gaelcholaiste Charraig Ui Leighin, Charlie the dog and Maura Allen, Carrigaline Tidy Towns are pictured at the launch of a Cork County Council campaign to remind dog owners and dog walkers to keep Cork parks and public areas clean and dog foul free this summer.
Picture Darragh Kane