Tuesday 10 September 2024
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€120,000 for Maintenance and Enhancement Works on Local Approach Roads – O’Shea

€120,000 for Maintenance and Enhancement Works on Local Approach Roads – O’Shea

North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea has welcomed funding of €120,000 for maintenance and enhancement works on approach roads across the Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District in 2019. Funding has been allocated for works on approach roads in Buttevant (€18,500), Kanturk (€18,500), Newmarket (€18,500), Millstreet (€18,500) and Mallow ((€46,000). 

In Buttevant, funding has been allocated for weed spraying, mechanical road sweeping, limited hedge cutting before and after speed limits on approach roads, three new ramps on road by Coleman’s Estate, and a re-planted flower bed on Liscarroll/Buttevant Road. 

In Kanturk, funding has been allocated for a road sweeper early in the day once a month, extra weed spraying, hedge cutting on approaches, completion of footpath to Kanturk Castle, continuing of cleaning in front of stone walls on Newmarket and Boherbue approaches, flower bed refurbishment, and power-washing of footpaths and signs. 

In Newmarket, funding has been allocated for cutting of hedges on approaches, road sweeper on approaches once a month, flower bed refurbishment, footpath repair works, stone work at Three Seasons monument, road lining, and painting the Roundwall. 

In Millstreet, funding has been allocated for road spraying, mechanical road sweeping, limited hedge cutting on Macroom Road, Station Road and Liscahane, planting on Dishane Road, Verge Cutting at Coole Cross, surfacing at Carnegie Hall carpark (contribution), and power-washing and painting of cemetery walls. 

In Mallow, funding has been allocated for weed spraying, mechanical road sweeping, a contribution to slabbed footpath in Mallow Town, a contribution to a new footpath sweeper, development of landscaped areas (N20), maintenance of existing hedging, refurbishment of pedestrian railings, and development of landscaped areas (N72). 

Cllr. O’Shea said it intended that grass verges, etc, on the town entrances and approach roads will be cut once a fortnight during the months of May, June, July, August and September. A mechanical road sweeper will be deployed in the five towns during the months of May to September to prevent the build-up of material along kerb lines. 

Weed spraying will be undertaken a number of times over the summer season along kerb lines and backs of footpaths. It is anticipated that in conjunction with the frequent mechanical sweeping that this spraying will deliver substantially weed-free entrances to the towns. 

Cllr. O’Shea said the development and delivery of this programme involved ongoing liaison with Tidy Towns and Town Partnership groups.