Saturday 18 January 2025
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€13 million paid to 5,687 farmers in Cork under Areas of Natural Constraint scheme – O’Shea 

€13 million paid to 5,687 farmers in Cork under Areas of Natural Constraint scheme – O’Shea 

A total of €13,269,559 has been paid to 5,687 farmers in Cork under the Areas of Natural Constraint (ANC) scheme, Cork North West Fine Gael General Election candidate Councillor John Paul O’Shea has said. 

Cllr. O’Shea said this marks the commencement of the payment of some €1.6bn to Irish farmers under various schemes over the coming months.  

Cllr. O’Shea said: “I very much welcome this first tranche of payments totalling more than 13 million to 5,687 Cork farmers.  

“I am conscious of the many challenges currently faced by farmers and therefore the importance of the timely delivery of payments under the ANC scheme.    

“In Budget 2019 my Fine Gael colleague, Agriculture Minister Michael Creed, secured additional funding of €23 million to bring the overall annual budget for the ANC scheme up to €250 million.   

“This is the second year in a row that the allocation for the ANC Scheme has been substantially increased, and the increased funding has again been targeted at the areas of highest constraint.  

“The increased budget and higher annual payments represent a timely and significant financial boost for farmers and for the wider rural economy.   

“The Department will continue to process, as a matter of urgency, all remaining cases for payment as they meet scheme criteria.” 

The 79,000 farmers across the country being paid in this first tranche of 2019 payments is an increase from the 77,000 farmers paid at this stage in 2018.  

Due to changes in EU Regulations, payments under the ANC scheme will now be delivered in two instalments, with 85% advance payments issuing initially and a 15% balancing payment issuing from early December. 

Minister Creed said: “The issuing of these payments now underscores my determination to maximise payments to farmers at the earliest possible time Given the importance of these payments, my Department has recently written to all farmers to outline the timetable for payments under various schemes in the coming months.” 

“I can confirm that arrangements are on target to facilitate payment of the advance of 70% under the Basic Payment Scheme with effect from 16 October 2019.”