Tuesday 11 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

Over €230k available to Community & Voluntary Groups in Kanturk/Mallow District Area

Over €230k available to Community & Voluntary Groups in Kanturk/Mallow District Area

The Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District of Cork County Council has announced that it is opening up a call for applications for its annual Municipal District Fund Schemes with over €230,000 to be allocated during 2017.

There are three separate distinct funding Schemes in which communities can apply for funding, which were announced today by the Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District.

The three funding schemes are as follows:

1. Capital Fund Scheme – Grant aid for capital infrastructural projects costing in excess of €20,000.
2. Community Contracts – Grant aid for local communities who are willing to work in partnership with Cork County Council on specific works and projects in their area as agreed in advance by local Area Engineer.
3. Amenity Fund Scheme – Grand aid for local communities who intend to spend less than €20,000 in upgrading their facilities and communities.

Welcoming the announcement, Cllr. O’ Shea said “The commitment of the Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District to allocate funding towards these community focused initiatives is in my opinion a very positive move for the local authority. This funding will undoubtedly benefit many community and voluntary organisations in the area who intend to upgrade and develop their communities. I have consistently raised the importance of allocating funding to communities through these schemes since my election and assisting communities to further develop is, and continues to be, one of my top priorities as a public representative in North Cork”.

The closing date for the acceptance of completed application forms for the 2017 Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District Grant Schemes is 4pm on Friday 17th February 2017. For further information on these grant schemes or to download an application form and guidelines, please visit www.corkcoco.ie or pick up an application form in your local Municipal District Office.