Saturday 25 January 2025
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Employment Opportunities with Ballyhoura Development CLG

Employment Opportunities with Ballyhoura Development CLG
Ballyhoura Development CLG are seeking applications for suitably qualified candidates for the positions of:
Development Officer
The Development Officer will be responsible for designing, developing and delivering integrated supports to clients (communities, individuals and businesses), across a range of rural development and social inclusion initiatives, projects and programmes, throughout the Ballyhoura Development area, in line with the company’s core economic and community development strategies.
Development Manager
As a member of the management team, the successful candidate will require strong operational, strategic and professional leadership in designing, developing and managing multiple programmes, projects and teams across a range of local, rural and community development activities, that positively impact on the social, environmental and economic development of the Ballyhoura Development area.
Finance Officer
The Finance Officer will be responsible for managing the finances and administration of Programmes And Projects, will focus on administration of EU and State funded Programmes and payroll administration
Detailed job specifications are available at
Closing date for receipt of applications is 5pm Tuesday January 31st.