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Government Announces First Successful projects under Round One of €500 million Climate Action Fund

Government Announces First Successful projects under Round One of €500 million Climate Action Fund

7 major climate change projects to share €77 million government funding, leveraging a total investment of €300 million in round one of the scheme

Potential to reduce annual emissions by over 200 thousand tonnes of carbon as a result of new initiatives

The Taoiseach, Mr. Leo Varadkar T.D., the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Mr. Richard Bruton T.D. and the Minister for Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform Mr. Paschal Donohoe T.D. today (Wednesday the 28th of November 2018) announced the successful projects under the Government’s new Climate Action Fund, as part of Project Ireland 2040.

The government is committed to making Ireland a leader in responding to climate change. Minister Bruton is currently developing an all of government plan to achieve this objective and deliver on Ireland’s climate and energy targets. The government’s Climate Action Fund, under Project Ireland 2040, will provide at least €500 million in government funding to support initiatives that provide for the kind of step change that is needed.

Today’s announcement presents the successful projects for the first round of the Fund. Nearly 100 applications were received and €77 million is being allocated to 7 projects, leveraging a total investment of €300 million.

The following seven projects have been approved by Minister Bruton:

  • ESB eCars Up to €10 million is being provided to develop a nationwide, state-of-the-art electric vehicle charging network capable of facilitating large-scale electric vehicle uptake over the next decade.
  • Gas Networks Ireland: GRAZE Gas – Green Renewable Agricultural Zero Emissions Gas Up to €8.5 million is being provided to support the installation of the first transmission connected Central Grid Injection (CGI) facility for renewable gas and a grant scheme to support circa 74 compressed natural gas vehicles.
  • Irish Rail: Hybrid Drive for Inter City Railcar fleet Up to €15 million is being invested to design new hybrid power-packs for intercity railcars to reduce diesel use and greenhouse gas emissions. Following the proof of concept in one three car train, the hybrid power-packs will be implemented across the wider fleet.
  • Dublin City Council: Dublin District Heating System Up to €20 million is being invested to capture waste heat generated at industrial facilities, in particular, the Dublin Waste to Energy Plant in Ringsend and piping it into homes and businesses in the Poolbeg, Ringsend and Docklands areas of Dublin city.
  • South Dublin County Council: The South Dublin County Council Tallaght District Heating Scheme. Up to €4.5 million is being provided to establish a sustainable district heating solution in the Tallaght area to provide low carbon heat to public sector, residential and commercial customers.
  • Road Management Office:   Local Authority Public Lighting Energy Efficiency Project Up to €17.5 million will be invested to retrofit all remaining 326,000 non‐LED Local Authority public lights to high efficiency LED Lanterns. Public Lighting accounts for approx. 50% of total energy use and based on the application, the project could deliver emission reduction of over 40,000 tonnes of CO2 from electricity generation per annum.
  • 3 Counties Energy Agency: Driving HGV Efficiently into Brexit Up to €1.4 million will be provided to to support the transport sector in reducing reduce fuel consumption and emissions from vehicles by being smarter about transport use and by embracing new technologies. Over a two-year period telematic equipment will be installed in over 1,000 vehicles and appropriate training for the drivers will be provided. Through continuous monitoring and positive reinforcement of driving behaviour performance, the overall fuel efficiency is expected to increase by 10%.

 An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar T.D. said “Project Ireland 2040 provides for an unprecedented investment of €22 billion in climate action over the next decade; the largest single package within the Plan. Our commitment and determination to climate action is evident; we are working to take peat and coal off the grid by the middle of the next decade and to have 500,000 electric vehicles on our roads by 2030.  From next July, no new diesel-only buses will be bought by Dublin Bus and from 2030, no new diesel or petrol cars will be sold in Ireland.

“We know that the challenge presented by climate change requires more than investment.  The transition to a low carbon world will require profound changes in how we live our lives.  And that will only be possible with the buy-in of communities and individuals. So we want the Climate Action Fund to empower communities, industry, researchers, the public sector, and citizens to take ownership of climate action efforts. The projects being announced today have the potential to make a real difference in the area of climate action and, most importantly, they will hit the ground running.”

Announcing the successful projects, Minister Bruton said: “The decisions we make now in tackling climate change will define the next century. I want to make Ireland a leader in responding to climate change, not a follower. That will require a significant step change right across our society.

“The projects we are supporting under the Fund, will support decarbonisation across the transport, heat, electricity and agriculture sectors and demonstrate the types of investments we need to make. For example, the investment we are making in the ESB to develop a nationwide, state-of-the-art electric vehicle charging network, will be crucial to reducing range anxiety and supporting individuals to move to electric vehicles.

“This investment by the Government will leverage additional investment from the project promoters and marks significant step towards achieving our ambitions.”

Minister for Finance & Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe T.D. stated: ‘The Climate Action Fund is one of the four new funds provided for under the National Development Plan, as a new innovative funding model for the allocation of resources in support of key priorities of Government.  The projects announced today represent the first in a series of announcements over the period of the NDP that will see €500 million invested in innovative projects that will help us achieve Ireland’s climate and energy targets in a cost effective manner.  The principal source of funding for the Climate Action Fund will be through the repurposing of part of the existing petroleum products levy collected by the National Oil Reserves Agency, and so this particular Fund will therefore be able to support projects without any additional cost to the Exchequer’.

Minister of State for Rural Affairs and Natural Resources, Sean Canney T.D. noted “Climate action needs to happen throughout Ireland and I am delighted to see a strong regional balance across the seven projects approved with 29 Local Authorities involved as applicants or project partners.”

These projects will now proceed to the validation stage which will include a more detailed examination of the projects, agreement of project outputs and payment timelines.

This was the first call for applications and was open to applications from the public and private sector.  As the Climate Action Fund develops, additional calls will be made which will provide further opportunities for applicants to avail of support.  

Full details of the Climate Action Fund are available on the Department’s website at


In May 2018, the Government approved the development of the Climate Action Fund with the objective of funding initiatives that contribute to the achievement of Ireland’s climate and energy targets in a cost effective manner, or offer the potential for innovative interventions in these sectors, and which, in the absence of support from the Climate Action Fund, would not otherwise be developed.

The Climate Action Fund will be financed principally through a repurposing part of the existing petroleum products levy (also known as the National Oil Reserves Agency or NORA levy). It will therefore be able to fund projects without additional cost to the exchequer.

On 9 July 2018, the first Call for Applications under the Climate Action Fund was published. The deadline for receipt of applications was 1 October 2018 and 97 applications were received by this date. The call was open to larger scale projects – seeking grant funding €1 million or more – that are scheduled to commence development in 2019 or 2020.  The focus was to support a broad range of projects that, in the absence of support from the Climate Action Fund, would not otherwise be developed

The Advisory Board oversaw the project assessment and recommended projects to the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment for approval. The Advisory Board is chaired by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment and includes representatives from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government, and the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. The Advisory Board also includes two independent expert members – John Curtis (Associate Research Professor, ESRI) and Dermott Crombie (Vice President Strategic Initiatives, Climate Solutions, Ingersoll Rand).

Following today’s announcement, the approved projects will undergo a project validation overseen by the Advisory Board. This will involve more detailed examination of the projects including due diligence, agreement of project outputs and payment timelines. Projects that do not satisfactorily complete the validation stage will not progress to be supported by the Climate Action Fund.

The first Call for Applications is the first such call under the Climate Action Fund and, as the fund develops, further calls will be made.

The details of the projects approved are provided below.

Project Name ESB Electric Vehicle High Power Charging Infrastructure Development Project
Lead Applicant ESB eCars
Project Description The project would develop a nationwide “state-of-the-art” electric vehicle charging network capable of facilitating large-scale EV uptake in Ireland over the next decade. The key elements of the infrastructure to be funded include:

1.    Six high speed charging hubs on motorways capable of charging eight vehicles simultaneously

2.    16 high speed charging hubs capable of charging four vehicles simultaneously

3.    Additional high power chargers at 34 current 50kW DC locations

4.    Upgrading over 50 x 22kW AC chargers to 50kW DC

5.    Replacing up to 264 (528 charge points) pre-existing Pilot Grade 22kW AC chargers to next generation high reliability models

Maximum Support €10,000,000
Project Name GRAZE Gas – Green Renewable Agricultural Zero Emissions Gas
Lead Applicant Gas Networks Ireland
Project Description The proposed project, GRAZE Gas, involves the installation of the first transmission connected Central Grid Injection (CGI) facility for renewable gas, a renewable gas logistics operation, 2 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) stations and a grant scheme to support circa 74 CNG vehicles.
Maximum Support €8,474,340
Project Name Hybrid Drive for Inter City Railcar (ICR 22000) fleet
Lead Applicant Irish Rail
Project Description The ICR 22000 fleet represents the bulk of the intercity passenger transport fleet for Iarnród Éireann consisting of 234 diesel power vehicles. They are diesel multiple units (DMUs) with an individual power pack (combination of engine and transmission) in each vehicle. The proposed future scenario is to move to EU V (emission standard) engine couple to an eco transmission coupled to a hybrid power pack.

The project will involve the detailed design of the new power-packs, the conversion of three existing DMUs to the new configuration (including retrofit and integration costs), the revision and approval of the revised Railway Safety Case, via the application of the APIS for internal safety approvals, followed by a year long in-service trial. Following the proof of concept in one three car train, the hybrid power-packs will be implemented across the wider fleet.

Maximum Support €15,000,000
Project Name Dublin District Heating System (DDHS)
Lead Applicant Dublin City Council
Project Description The capture of waste heat from industrial facilities located on the Poolbeg peninsula, in particular to use of the waste heat generated at the Dublin Waste to Energy (DWtE) Plant, and piping it into homes and businesses in the Poolbeg, Ringsend and Docklands areas of Dublin city. The waste heat produced from operations at the DWtE Plant (90 MW of DH), has the potential to heat 50,000 homes in Dublin City, which would otherwise be released into the atmosphere or nearby water sources for cooling.
Maximum Support €20,000,000
Project Name The South Dublin County Council Tallaght District Heating Scheme
Lead Applicant South Dublin County Council
Project Description The South Dublin County Council Tallaght District Heating Scheme will establish a sustainable district heating solution in the Tallaght area to provide low carbon heat to public sector, residential and commercial customers. The objective of this project is to decrease the emissions associated with the use of fossil fuels for heating in Tallaght.

This project delivers a high level of innovation in the heating sector, with the first Irish data centre to be used to supply waste heat to heat nearby buildings, and will be the only such system in Ireland and the UK.

Maximum Support €4,447,952
Name Local Authority Public Lighting Energy Efficiency Project
Lead Applicant Road Management Office
Project Description The Local Authority Public Lighting Energy Efficiency Project is an ambitious energy efficiency project to retrofit all remaining 326,000 non‐LED participating Local Authority public lights to high efficiency LED Lanterns. There are 27 Local Authorities participating in the project .

Public Lighting accounts for approx. 50% of total energy use for Local Authorities.


Maximum Support €17,470,000
Project Name Driving HGV Efficiently into Brexit
Lead Applicant 3 Counties Energy Agency CLG
Project Description Wide scale integration of behaviour changes in the private logistics industry using metering and telematics (M&T) technology combined with driving behavioural change training to deliver an overall 10 % fuel savings annually.
Maximum Support €1,373,400