Tuesday 18 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

Graduates should register to vote in next Seanad election – Deadline of 26th February

Graduates should register to vote in next Seanad election – Deadline of 26th February

The deadline to register to vote in the Seanad Éireann elections is this Sunday 26th February 2017. All Irish citizens living in Ireland or abroad who are graduates of a National University of Ireland institute (UCD, UCC, NUI Galway, NUI Maynooth, Royal College of Surgeons and NCAD) or Trinity College Dublin are eligible to claim their vote.  
The registration process is very simple and straightforward. Go to http://www.nui.ie/elections/seanad-register.asp  to download and complete the registration form. It must be signed and a scanned copy sent to records@nui.ie before 26th February. For TCD graduates, the registration form can be downloaded from http://www.tcd.ie/.