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Helping Hands – Information session for community groups on improving your grant applications

Helping Hands – Information session for community groups on improving your grant applications
Event / Meeting Details /Consultation Further information Key Dates
Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme

The Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme, established by the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan, T.D., seeks to encourage local peatland communities, local groups, local schools and individuals to engage with her Department in relation to the conservation and revitalisation of raised bog Special Areas of Conservation, Natural Heritage Areas and other raised bog areas and to promote public engagement with and awareness of our natural heritage.



The Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme will support in 2019 a diverse range of initiatives from events, education programmes, conservation management plans, public amenity and recreational measures to invasive species and fire control measures near/within raised bog Special Areas of Conservation/Natural Heritage Areas or other raised bog areas and which will encourage communities to enhance their natural surrounding areas and raise awareness of environmental issues and concerns.


For more information please click here


Or  contact:

Peatlands Management Unit,
Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Ph (053) 9117361 / (053) 9117384




Closing date for applications is 4pm, Friday 24 May, 2019


Public Consultation on the National Social Enterprise Policy

The Draft National Social Enterprise Policy is part of a suite of policy initiatives which will complement theStrategy to Support the Community and Voluntary Sectors in Ireland, and the forthcoming National Volunteering Strategy, which are also being developed by the Department.


The proposed draft policy is focused on three Objectives:

1.       Building Awareness of Social Enterprise

2.       Growing and Strengthening Social Enterprise

3.       Achieving Better Policy Alignment


Responses will inform the preparation of the National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland

To view the Draft National Social Enterprise Policy for Ireland please click here


How to participate:


The recommended means of response is by email  


Alternatively, responses can be posted to:

Social Enterprise Policy Consultation,

Department of Rural and Community Development,

Trinity Point,

10-11 Leinster Street South,

Dublin 2,


Please include full contact details and the name of the organisation or entity you are responding on behalf of, if relevant.

Submissions should be as concise as possible but in any event should not exceed 10 pages. Any submissions received after the closing date of 14 May 2019 may not be considered.

Responses will inform the preparation of the National Policy on Social Enterprise.

Any submissions received may be published on the Department’s website.


The closing date for submissions is Tuesday 14th May 2019



Pride in Our Community

The “Pride in our Community” Competition is open to all voluntary groups in County Cork  

  • Has your group developed or are you in the process of improving amenities in your local community? 
  • Are you a Tidy Towns Group in the process of improving your area ?
  • Are your group planning Community walks and trails?
  • Playgrounds, Community Fields?
  • Community Centre renovations? 
  • upgrades to monuments and amenity areas? 
  • River clean-ups, 
  • Community Signs, Murals?
  • Biodiversity areas, Community gardens, allotments? 
  • Graveyard restoration? 
  • Floral displays on streetscape? 
  • All weather facilities, tree planting, Floral bedding etc?


The aim of the ‘Pride in Our Community Competition’ is to encourage Community Groups and volunteers in County Cork to develop new or existing community -based Amenity/Projects that will be of long-term benefit to the community. These projects should be outdoor and available to all the community.



The competition also seeks to make people conscious of their environment and to promote litter-free communities and the overall development of their area.

This initiative also supports the County Cork Biodiversity Action Plan through conserving& enhancing biodiversity in our daily lives.


If the answer to any of the above questions is yes then feel free to enter the Pride in Our Community Competition which has a Prize Fund of over €10,000

It is open to all communities in county Cork big and small. 



Enter Online here   It takes just two minutes to enter.


Closing Date June 1st 2019



SECAD Community Training Programme, My Town, My Plan

This free training programme is aimed at community group members and individuals who are interested in planning for their own town and surrounding areas.  It will run throughout 2019 and will allow you and your neighbouring community members to discuss the future of your own area.  Topics to be covered will include Enterprise and Asset Management, Social, Community and Volunteer supports and Climate Change.



Funded through the LEADER programme with trainers from the Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurial Excellence (CIT), each area will choose the topics most relevant to their own area.

The first meeting in May 2019 will be critical as it will allow Hinks-CIT to shape a specific training programme for your town and surrounding villages / catchments that will be delivered from September 2019.


SECAD need as many people from different backgrounds, interests, ages and cultures to participate and invite you to take this opportunity to become part of this important process aimed at sustaining your community’s vibrancy and resilience.

WEST CORK                       

Clonakilty            Fernhill House Hotel, Clonakilty                                        Tues 14 May  7-9pm

Kinsale  Saile Sports and Leisure Centre, Kinsale                                        Wed 15 May 7-9pm

Skibbereen         The West Cork Hotel, Skibbereen                                    Mon 27 May 7-9pm

Rosscarbery       Celtic Ross Hotel, Rosscarbery                                           Tues 28 May 7-9pm


SOUTH CORK                    

Midleton             MY Place, Mill Road, Midleton                                            Tues 7 May 7-9pm

Cobh     Great Island Community Centre, Cobh                                          Mon 20 May 7-9pm

Carrigaline           Carrigaline Lions Youth Centre, Carrigaline                    Tues 21 May 7-9pm

Youghal                Cumann na Daoine, Catherine St, Youghal                     Wed 22 May 7-9pm


Places on the SECAD My Town, My Plan training programme are limited, so please call to reserve a place by contacting Nuala at SECAD on 021 4613432 or



Reminder re: Helping Hands- information sessions for community groups on improving your grant applications


Your community group is invited to attend a regional event which will provide information on how to submit good applications for grant funding.


The events in each area are run by the Department of Rural & Community Development, Pobal, the Local Authority, the Irish Local Development Network, and the Local Development Company/Companies. 

The events aim to provide hints and tips on how to make a better application and how to identify local supports that community groups can draw upon. 


The events are aimed at community groups that have had no success or limited success previously, but all are welcome to attend.





Details for the South and Mid-West region events:


South Region 16th May James O’Keefe Institute, Newmarket, Co Cork. Click here
Mid-West Region 23rd May Southill Area Centre, Limerick. Click here.




Staying in Touch Glanworth

Calling all seniors Groups in the North Cork Area

Cork County Federation Muintir na Tire and Glanworth Community Council cordially invites members of your group to an evening of Information, refreshments, music, song and dancing to local musicians


Time Table for Evening

Introductions and Welcome   7.30pm


Staying In Touch   7.45 pm 

Speaker Mary Allen 

Community Connect 


Making Cork an Age Friendly County 8.15 pm

Speaker Liz Downes 

Cork Age Friendly Council


This will be followed by music and dancing to local musicians


A Raffle will be held to defray expenses

Glanworth  Community Centre

Wednesday May 15h  at 7.30pm sharp.


RSVP with Numbers attending by  May 8th

Tel 021 4500688  Mobile 0872034876   8 Sidney Place Wellington Road Cork    email



Kindly supported by the HSE Community Work Dept




SIF Preparatory Workshops

The Social Inclusion Forum (SIF) is part of the structures put in place by the Government to support the development and implementation of its plans to address poverty and social inclusion. The event provides a forum for consultation and discussion on social inclusion issues, particularly with people experiencing poverty and social exclusion and the groups that work with them.


In 2019, the theme of the SIF is Collaborative Working at Local and National Level. It will explore issues such as:  Social Inclusion at Community Level – enhancing collaboration; Getting more from data; Social inclusion and people living with disabilities; Housing and social inclusion; The role of employers in social inclusion.


It will also be an important opportunity to discuss the new Social Inclusion: An Integrated Strategy 2019-2025

Community Work Ireland and EAPN Ireland, are organising a number of pre-SIF workshops to discuss the issues that you would like to see represented at the Social Inclusion Forum.


Wednesday 8th May 10am-1pm Waterford St. Patrick’s Gateway Centre, Patrick St
Friday 10th May 10am-1pm Kerry Áras an Phobail, Croílár na Mistéalach, Tralee


To register please click here

IEN Hustings with MEP Candidates in Cork on 10th May at the Metropole Hotel

The EU plays a major role in both protecting and shaping the Irish environment and our elected representatives in Brussels have a direct hand in shaping that policy.

With European Parliament election time nearly upon us again, the Environmental Pillar is holding a series of public debates to gauge where candidates stand on key environmental and climate issues before the polling stations open on 23 May.





The debates will feature a panel of politicians running in the upcoming election who will present their environmental policies, strategies and objectives for our country’s future.

They will also answer questions from the public who will have a great opportunity to put candidates through their paces on environmental and climate issues of concern to the general public.



Metropole Hotel, Cork on Friday, 10 May from 6.30pm-8pm sure to be an engaging and lively debate with candidates for the South constituency.


Confirmed candidates include:

  • MEP Liadh Ní Riada, Sinn Fein
  • MEP Deirdre Clune, Fine Gael
  • Senator Grace O’Sullivan, Green Party
  • Councillor Malcolm Byrne, Fianna Fáil
  • Adrienne Wallace, People Before Profit


The event will be moderated by Bernadette Connolly, the Coordinator of the Cork Environmental Forum


Booking on Eventbrite –


EcCoWell/Dark Sky Ireland Event “Bright Planning for the Urban Environment, the Dark Side of Illumination’’


Light Pollution is a growing concern in Ireland, with direct implications for the economy, security and the environment, and with potentially significant impacts to human health.

There is currently no national policy or legislation in Ireland to deal with light pollution. In light of recent announcements that high-efficiency-lighting retrofits are due to be rolled out on a national level, it is crucial that Ireland adopts a lighting policy that is evidence-based and reflects the very best practices in terms of protecting our health, our economy, our environment, and indeed our Dark Sky Heritage.

Join the conversation at theEcCoWell event. This event will see DarkSky Ireland partners from a range of disciplines and perspectives present the impaces and costs of excessive illumination.


This event is relevant to a wide range of stakeholders including local government, planners, engineers, architects, tourism groups, environmental groups and the wider public.

Date, Time and Venue:


13th May at Vertigo, County Hall 9.30am -1pm


Booking is through Eventbrite here

30 National Organisations call on Local and European Election candidates to commit to delivering on values of Community, Decency and Participation


An alliance of 30 national organisations working to address poverty, social exclusion and inequality is calling on candidates in the Local and European Elections to state how they will deliver on positive and inclusive social values should they get elected.


The Community Platform, which tomorrow launches its Manifestos for the Local and European Election, is calling on candidates, and those who are voting on the 24th May, to prioritise the delivery of the values of Community, Decency and Participation. The Platform includes organisations representing people who are homeless, lone parents, people with disabilities, Travellers, people who are unemployed, migrants, women and those experiencing other forms of exclusion and disadvantage.

The Community Platform manifestos are available here


Alongside the manifestos the Community Platform have information available aimed at supporting the wider public to engage with election candidates on the values of Community, Decency and Participation during the election campaign. This is also available on the website through the link above.


EAPN can be contacted on 01 8745737


Or Email:



European Solidarity Corps Information Session


This Information Session is for organisations who want to learn more about the European Solidarity Corps. Participants will gain understanding of the aims and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps, how funding works, what activities are possible, and learn about the different strands. The session will include time to connect with Léargas staff and peers.


For queries please contact Suzanne Kavanagh

Date: Wed 22nd May 2019

Time: 10:00 – 14:00 p.m.


Location: Cork City Council, City Hall, Anglesea St.

National Biodiversity Week and Photography Competition

National Biodiversity Week is all about connecting people with nature. It’s about communicating the importance of biodiversity and motivating people to play their part in protecting it. It’s also about entertaining them, showing the fun and wonder that can be found in nature, and inspiring people to learn more, see more, do more.

Over the course of nine days, from 18th – 26th May 2019, over 50 FREE, family-friendly events will be taking place all over Ireland celebrating our diverse species and habitats.


Check out the Events section of www.biodiversityweek.ieover the coming days to see what’s taking place near you!

In recognition of Biodiversity Week two photography competitions are also being run with a deadline of May 31st. For full information on Biodiversity Week and its importance visit
National Heritage Week 2019

When it comes to heritage one of the highlights every year is National Heritage Week, which takes place from Saturday 17th to Sunday 25thAugust, 2019. The Theme for this year is ‘Pastimes and Past Times’, encouraging everyone to take a stroll through our local history and explore how our free time has evolved in often fascinating ways from sports and storytelling to music and craft.


Heritage Week is coordinated by the Heritage Council and is part of European Heritage Days which promotes Europe’s cultural heritage across the Union. Heritage Week 2019 – Ireland’s most popular cultural event –  is expected to see over half a million people engage in the week, with an anticipated 2,200 plus events on offer.

Registration of events is now open and it is hoped that the County of Cork will have a great range of events; there is certainly no shortage of heritage in the County and groups and individuals who stand strong in protecting and promoting their local heritage.


National Heritage Week 2019 has two special themed days:

Wild Child Day – Wednesday 21 August. On this day, event organisers are encouraged to host events specifically for children, from history hunts and storytelling sessions to crafts workshops.


Water Heritage Day –Sunday 25 August. Together with the Local Authority Waters Programme, we celebrate our most precious natural resource in all its forms, from the sea to rivers, lakes and ponds.




Events registered before the deadline of 31 May will be included in a printed event guide, which will be distributed across Ireland to OPW sites, museums, libraries, local authorities, selected hotels and tourist offices. Event details will also be included in a county guide, where available.


Event registration for the website listings will remain open until August. For more information on Heritage Week or indeed to register a local event visit and for those looking for a few ideas the Heritage Council has produced a wonderful document with one hundred suggestions which is available to view here



Reforming Youth Funding

Please see attached newsletter relevant for youth work practitioners, and all those working and participating in Dept of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) -funded projects.