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Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District Meeting – September 2017

Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District Meeting – September 2017

The September meeting of the Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District of Cork County Council will take place on Friday, 1st September next in the Muintir Na Tire Hall, Buttevant, Co Cork.

These meetings are held once a month, where the six councillors representing the Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District Area meet with the engineers that cover the area. Councillors are entitled to submit a maximum of three motions in advance of the meeting on issues relating to day to day services provided by Cork County Council, such as roads, water, housing, waste water etc… The engineers have a written response to present at the meeting which is then discussed.

My motions for the September meeting are as follows:

·         “That Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District would identify 2/3 locations in which they believe from an engineering and practical point of view would be best suited for the re-instatement of the famous horse sculpture at Mallow’s Anabella Roundabout and put theses 2/3 preferred locations to the people of Mallow so as they can decide where the future destination lies for this long standing and much loved piece of art”.

·         “That Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District investigate if they can close the open drain at Kilcoman, Dromahane on the L-1212-17 road as alot of cars and other vehicles are falling into it off the road, particularly at night time when site lines are minimal. In the interim, reflector signage should be placed here as a matter of urgency”.

·         “That Kanturk/Mallow Minicipal District write to the Children & Family Agency Tusla asking them to provide a Youth Worker for the Duhallow area of North Cork”.