The very popular Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District Towns and Villages Garden and Floral Display Competition is back for 2018 with over €4,400 in prize money to be won.
The Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District have best in District prizes of €200 each for:
- Best Housing Estate
- Best Front Garden Display
- Best Commercial Display
And in addition to the overall Best in District Prizes each town and village has the opportunity chance to win again in their own area.
Prize categories of for the Towns of Mallow, Millstreet, Kanturk, Newmarket and Buttevant
- Best overall display in a housing estate, (in each town) €300
- Best front garden display (in each town) €100
- Best commercial floral display (in each town) €100
Villages in the district have been grouped by the three Engineering areas i.e Mallow/Buttevant, Kanturk/Newmarket and Millstreet with the following prize categories of €100 each:
- Best Overall display in a housing estate in each engineering area €300
- Best Front garden display in each engineering area €100
- Best Commercial display in each engineering area €100
Entries cost €5.00 per entry and application forms are available at your local Cork County Council Area Office. All completed entry forms are to be returned to:
- Millstreet: Carnegie Hall.
- Kanturk: Kanturk Area Office,
- Newmarket: Newmarket Area Office
- Mallow: Municipal District Office, Annabella
Closing date is Friday, 22nd June 2018. Details also available on
For queries, please contact 022 21123 or email