Leader Funding is back in full flow throughout North Cork with two emerging businesses recently receiving funding from the North Cork Local Action Group through its implementing partner IRD Duhallow.
Under the LEADER theme of Enterprise Development, Ballyhass Lakes has be granted over €40,000 to enhance its activity centre and Aquapark. Ballhass Lakes which now employs over 80 staff at its unique North Cork setting in the village of Cecilstown is an innovative tourist offering within the region and is now one of Ireland’s leading outdoor adventure centres. Kilguilkey House & Equestrian Centre has been granted €25,000 to upgrade it stabling areas in order to host annual international eventing days at the stately house. Kilguilkey House caters for many national and international sportspeople aswell as spectators and buyers from all over Europe.
Welcoming the funding for these businesses, local Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’ Shea said “this is great news for both Ballyhass Lakes and Kilguilkey House which are both contributing significantly to our local economy here in North Cork. Leader funding for Enterprise Development is there to support businesses in rural settings and Ballyhass Lakes and Kilguilkey House are fine examples of exactly this. I want to wish both businesses well as they develop their existing businesses further with this funding over the coming months and I look forward to seeing them continue to provide an economic boost to the North Cork region”.
The North Cork Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), a committee of Cork County Council is the new LEADER Local Action Group (LAG) for North Cork. The new group is managing the allocation of €5.1 million in LEADER funding across North Cork for the period 2016-2020.
The programme is being rolled out by a consortium of the North Cork LAG and the three local development companies operating in the North Cork Council division namely; Avondhu Blackwater Partnership CLG, Ballyhoura Development CLG and IRD Duhallow CLG.
The LEADER Programme supports local and community projects across a diverse range of themes including; Rural tourism, enterprise development, rural towns, access to broadband, basic services targeted at hard-to-reach communities, rural youth, protection and sustainable use of water resources, protection and improvement of local biodiversity, and development of renewable energy.
More detailed information is available at http://leadernorthcork.com/
The programme is co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.