Tuesday 11 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

Live Register in County Cork down 62% since 2011

Live Register in County Cork down 62% since 2011

Central Statistics Office figures indicate that the Live Register in County Cork for July 2019 has declined by 18on an annual basis and 62since Fine Gael entered government in 2011, Fine Gael Cork North West General Election candidate Councillor John Paul O’Shea has said. 

Cllr. O’Shea said: “This is excellent news for our local economy and for the people of County Cork 

“Nationally, the number of persons on the Live Register is the lowest recorded since February 2008.” 

Cllr. O’Shea said: “Some 221,100 new jobs have been created since the start of 2016, we have well exceeded our target of 200,000 new jobs by 2020.  

“Furthermore, our regional goal of 135,000 jobs has also been surpassed with 150,000 jobs created outside Dublin since the start of 2016.  

“During Fianna Fáil’s last term in Government, 330,000 jobs were lost, emigration soared and our economy shrunk by 8% between 2007 and 2010. 

“At a time of strong economic growth and almost full employment, it would be easy to become complacent – something that happened during the boom years.  

“Fine Gael is determined to make sure that this doesn’t happen again however. That is why we are preparing now for tomorrow’s world.  

“Future Jobs Ireland 2019, launched earlier this year, is the first in a series of annual reports as part of this new medium-term framework. The commitments in the report will support continued employment growth across Ireland and further reductions in unemployment.  

“Among other issues, it addresses challenges to participation in the labour force. Actions include developing and implementing tailored activation and training supports and generating attractive employment opportunities such as smart working arrangements. 

“We are also delivering ‘Project Ireland 2040’ which will ensure sustainable growth over the next 20 years for all parts of Ireland.  

“It combines our plan for how Ireland will grow over the next 20 years and is backed up by a €116 billion 10 year capital plan. This will mean that for the first time in Ireland’s history we will ensure that our planning and capital investment plans are meaningfully aligned; the money follows the plan.  

“It will ensure that there is a more effective balance of growth across our country, with the intention that all the regions grow at broadly comparable rates.” 

Cllr. O’Shea continued: “To protect our economy, the Brexit Contingency Action Plan Update reflects the extensive work which has taken place at EU level and on a whole-of-Government basis, including the Brexit Omnibus Act, to prepare for a no deal Brexit.  It sets out the next steps to be taken between now and 31 October. 

“Work on no deal Brexit preparations has the highest priority across Government. A no deal Brexit would have profound implications for Ireland on all levels. These include macroeconomic, trade and sectoral challenges, both immediately and in the longer term. 

“It will also pose particular risks for the all-island economy. For the time between now and 31 October, the Action Plan emphasises the need for stepped up preparedness measures, by exposed businesses in particular.  

“It is only by Government, business and citizens working together nationally and with our EU partners that we can aim to mitigate as far as possible the impacts of a no deal Brexit, and ensure that we are as prepared as we can be for the changes it will bring.  

“If anyone is concerned about Brexit and the impact it may have on their daily life or their business, there is a single Government website that can start to get you prepared. Go to www.gov.ie/brexit.”