The October meeting of the Mallow Area Roads Committee of Cork County Council will take place on Tuesday 8th October 2013 next in the County Council Offices at Annabella, Mallow.
These meetings are held once a month, where the five councillors representing the Mallow Electoral Area and the Mayor of Mallow town meet with the engineers that cover the Mallow Roads Area.
Councillors are entitled to submit a maximum of six motions in advance of the meeting on issues relating to roads and road maintenance. I always submit six!! The engineers have a written response to present at the meeting which is then discussed.
My motions for the October meeting are as follows:
“That Cork County Council repairs road from Sean Ógs Cross to Glantane.
“That Cork County Council investigates and consults with the local community in Liscarroll on the possibility of making the street from Liscarroll National School to the village of Liscarroll a one way system”
“That a dedicated yellow box be put in place outside Glantane National School so as the school buses attending this school can drop off and collect children safely”
“That Cork County Council provides members with an update why maintenance to graveyards in Churchtown and Old Court, Doneraile were not attended to this year and a solution identified”
“That Cork County Council undertake drainage works on the L-5207-1 and L-5208 roads in Lyre”
“That Cork County Council repair bridge walls on bridge on road going from Lombardstown Railway Gates to the terraces”.