Tuesday 3 December 2024
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Contact Details T: 086 8903154 Email : johnpaul.oshea@cllr.corkcoco.ie

Mallow Area Roads Meeting of Cork County Council – June 2012

The June meeting of the Mallow Area Committee of Cork County Council takes place on Tuesday 12th June 2012 in the County Council Offices at Annabella, Mallow.

These meetings are held once a month, where the five councillors representing the Mallow Electoral Area and the Mayor of Mallow Town meet with the engineers that cover the Mallow Area.

Councillors are entitled to submit a maximum of six motions in advance of the meeting on issues relating to services such as road maintenance, water services, waste water services, housing etc. The engineers normally have a written response to present at the meeting which is then discussed.

My motions for the meeting are as follows:

“That Cork County Council repair the R580 road at the Grotto, Liscarroll and re-line the junction in this area”.

“That Cork County Council replace/repair the regional signposts on the R580 road which have been vandalised”.

“That Cork County Council’s Housing Department constructs a boundary wall between No: 8 Kiely’s Plc, Lombardstown and the recently constructed local authority estate Gort Na Coille, Lombardstown as previously agreed”.

“That Cork County Council repair the public lighting in Goold’shill Estate, Mallow which has been blown for sometime”.

“That Cork County Council undertake to carry out a review of all bridges in the electoral area in order to identify any structural defects with same and create a programme of upgrading works such as minor repairs, pointing etc that can be carried out by our dedicated stone masoning team into the future”.

“That Cork County Council erect junction ahead signs on the L-1210-90 road at Lackineen Junction as previously agreed”.