Saturday 25 January 2025
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Men’s Sheds in Cork County Encouraged to Apply for Funding – O’Shea

Men’s Sheds in Cork County Encouraged to Apply for Funding – O’Shea

Men’s sheds in Cork County have been encouraged to apply for a new round of funding by North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea 

A total of €500,000 has been allocated by the Minister for Rural and Community Development Michael Ring to continue to support the work of Men’s Sheds groups throughout Ireland.   

Cllr. O’Shea said: “This capital funding will enable individual Men’s Sheds to purchase equipment or to carry out minor works to improve their premises through the provision of small grants.   

“Last year, 22 Men’s Sheds in Cork County received a total of €31,878 for various equipment and maintenance works.   

“Men’s Sheds have become central to some 400 communities throughout Ireland. They provide an invaluable service by helping to tackling social isolation which in turn strengthens local communities here in Cork County.   

“This year’s round of funding is a recognition of the contribution these groups are making to life in Cork County and all around Ireland.  

“The fact that all men in the locality have a place to go to share their experience and make friends is hugely important as we need to continue to help each other out with the issues that we may be facing.   

“Companionship and a sense of place is vital to our mental wellbeing, and the Sheds provide a space where healthy connections are made and nurtured.   

“I want all of the Men’s Sheds groups in Cork County affiliated to the Irish Men’s Sheds Association to avail of this funding.  

“A number of Women’s Shed groups have also emerged in our communities in recent times. In order to support this positive development the Minister has decided to make this funding available to these groups and I urge them to apply.  

“I cannot overstate the importance of working collaboratively with other Women’s Sheds in order to progress. The Irish Men’s Shed Association (ISMA) is an excellent example of strength in numbers and the Department has supported them in their development.” 

Cllr. O’Shea concluded: “Individual Sheds should submit applications to their Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) – the deadline for applications will be advertised soon on the department’s website (, along with application details.”