National Tree Week 2013 – A Feast of Trees! March 3rd – 10th 2013
National Tree Week takes place from March 3rd to March 10th 2013.
The theme is ‘A Feast of Trees’! With this theme in mind, we are asking people to recognise and celebrate the role of trees in providing food for humans, birds, bees and other wildlife.
Cork County Council in conjunction with the Tree Council of Ireland has a number of native tree saplings to give away to local community groups and schools that fall within the designated areas of South, West & North Cork Divisions. Trees will be allocated on a first come, first served basis so if you are interested in making a request for your school, community group or association, please make contact with the relevant division Cork County Council.
North Cork – 022 30462 or
South Cork – 021 4285298
West Cork – 028 21299