Saturday 18 January 2025
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New eligibility criteria for TÚS Community Employment initiative: Avondhu Blackwater Partnership CLG

New eligibility criteria for TÚS Community Employment initiative: Avondhu Blackwater Partnership CLG

Since 1st February 2018 the eligibility requirements has widened for people wishing to self-refer for the TÚS initiative. The percentage of self-referrals will increase from 20% to 30% of the total allocation of TÚS placements. This will allow an increase in the numbers of people who can refer themselves on to the TÚS initiative given that they meet the eligibility criteria of being on a jobseekers allowance payment for at least 12 months.

Another change has been that people who have had a break of up to but not exceeding 30 days in their Jobseekers allowance record in the last 12 months will now be considered eligible for TÚS selection. The TÚS Community Work Placement Initiative is a community work placement programme providing short-term working opportunities for unemployed people.

TÚS aims to break the cycle of unemployment and to prepare each person for a return to the labour market. Being employed gives people a sense of purpose and provides a structure to life. It also gives a great sense of social inclusion, identity and status while affording opportunities for development and increased confidence.

Participants will work 19.5 hours per week and the placement lasts 12 months. They will receive the same statutory (pro rata) annual leave and public holiday entitlement as other employees. Participants will receive €22.50 per week on top of their existing payments.

We currently have up to 140 placements in the Fermoy, Mallow and Blarney areas. Should individuals wish to enquire as to their eligibility to join the TÚS initiative they can contact the offices of Avondhu Blackwater Partnership on 022 46580 or email Vincent Flynn our TÚS supervisor on