Tuesday 11 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

New ‘Friends of Kanturk Community Hospital Campus’ Group to be Set Up

New ‘Friends of Kanturk Community Hospital Campus’ Group to be Set Up

Following a well attended public meeting in Kanturk last week, a new ‘Friends of Kanturk Community Hospital Campus’ Group is to be established according to Cork North West Fine Gael General Election candidate Councillor John Paul O’Shea.


Over 50 people turned out at the Temperance Hall in Kanturk to become part of this new group. The meeting, organised by Cllr. John Paul O’Shea welcomed everyone to the meeting and was greatly encouraged by the number of people who came out to support this initiative. The group will be responsible for volunteering & fundraising at the Hospital along with the Duhallow Day Care Centre which is also located on the grounds of the Hospital.


Ms. Ber O’ Leary, Director of Nursing, Kanturk Community Hospital & Ms. Cathy Curran, CNM2 at the Duhallow Day Care Centre spoke of the need to integrate the Hospital & Day Care Centre with the community of Kanturk. Ms. O’ Leary said “we would indeed welcome volunteers to come and join us in Kanturk Community Hospital in the care of our residents. We would love if people from the local community would join with us in taking part in activities and events for the residents and clients of Kanturk Community Hospital Campus. We will work with all volunteers to arrange Garda Vetting etc. and welcome them to be part of the Hospital Campus”.


The meeting also heard from Lena Kelleher, Chairperson of the Friends of Millstreet Community Hospital & committee member Cora O’Riordan. They explained in detail how their Friends group was set up over 32 years ago and how active they have come within the Community in Millstreet. Lena explained of the many fundraising events they have organised over the year and that many local groups had had also volunteered for the Hospital. All fundraising for the Hospital is managed through the Friends Group. “It is with great pleasure we can provide and take part in the necessary activities and events and provide additional equipment for residents at Millstreet Community Hospital through our group. Kanturk Community Hospital Campus is ideally placed to do likewise here and I want to wish them every success”.

Cllr. O’Shea added “we are delighted with the support of the community of Kanturk for this meeting and their clear indication of support for a Friends of Kanturk Community Hospital Campus to be formed. I will continue to work with Ber O’Leary and Cathy Curran over the coming weeks and months to ensure this becomes a reality”


Anyone who is interested in volunteering for the Friends of Kanturk Community Hospital Campus are encouraged to contact Kanturk Community Hospital on 029 50024.