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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

No Price Increase to Driving Test or NCT Until Waiting Lists Improve – O’Shea

No Price Increase to Driving Test or NCT Until Waiting Lists Improve – O’Shea

23rd October 2024

There should be no increase to fees for driving tests, driving licences, or NCTs until waiting lists return to an acceptable level, a Fine Gael Councillor has said.

The Cork North West General Election candidate was speaking on foot of reports about a review into the Road Safety Authority.

Cllr O’Shea said: “Lengthy waiting lists for driving tests and NCT appointments have long been frustrating thousands of motorists across the country.

“The idea of increasing the fees for these tests and appointments while the level of service is not of sufficient standard is completely unfair.

“In my own constituency of Cork North West, there are people waiting up to six months for a driving test, and five months for an NCT.

“It would be a complete slap in the face to turn around to these people and ask them to pay higher fees.

“We have made significant progress in public transport in recent years, but the reality is that people in rural areas still have no choice but to drive. We are still heavily reliant upon the car to access work, education, and day-to-day activities.

“We should be making it easier and more affordable for people to access education or the workplace, not putting barriers in their way.

“Road safety is to the fore of all of our minds, given the number of fatalities on our roads in recent years. Measures must be taken to address this, but it is hard to fathom how increasing charges on already hard-pressed people in rural areas would have any impact.

“Many businesses in rural and regional areas also rely on an efficient driving test and NCT system, and placing a further financial strain on them to use these services would be unreasonable.

“We need a fair and properly functioning system of driving tests, NCTs, and other similar programmes. Until such time as this can be provided, no increase in charges can be justified,” Cllr O’Shea concluded.