Saturday 18 January 2025
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O’Shea confirms €1.1m in funding for New Astroturf and Associated Facilities at Banteer Community Sportsfield

O’Shea confirms €1.1m in funding for New Astroturf and Associated Facilities at Banteer Community Sportsfield

North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea has confirmed that Banteer Community Sportsfield CLG has been allocated a healthy €1,128,000 in funding through the Government’s Rural Regeneration Fund for an ambitious full size Astroturf project and associated facilities that will have a tremendous positive impact both locally and right across North Cork. 

Cllr. O’Shea welcomed the funding this week by saying “Banteer Community Sportsfield is a fantastic community-owned, community run facility which serves the entire community of Banteer and its hinterlands and people living right across North Cork. It is an extremely busy facility, hosting a wide range of sports throughout the year. As well as its sports pitches, it boasts a children’s playground, a 1km walk with lighting, pond field, hurling wall, changing rooms, toilets and seated areas.  

“Having worked with my Government colleagues on this issue in recent months, I am happy to announce that €1,128,000 has been allocated to Banteer Community Sportsfield for a new full size Astroturf pitch project. This funding has been allocated through the Governments Rural Regeneration Fund. As well as a full-size Astroturf pitch, the project is also to include changing room facilities, toilets, a covered spectator stand, a state-of-the-art lighting system and meeting rooms. 

The current pitch in Banteer Community Sportsfield

“The overall estimated cost of this project is €1.3 million so the funding from the Government’s Rural Regeneration Fund will go a long way to the project being realised. The community in and around Banteer have been fundraising for some time and I compliment their proactive approach to improving facilities within their local area. I have seen the plans for the new facilities, including the Astroturf, the covered spectator stand and the lighting system, and I’m certain that these additions will make the existing sportsfield and park even more popular. 

“There are very few full-size Astroturf pitches in the Munster region, so the economic and social benefits of such a facility are huge to Banteer and to it’s neighbouring villages and towns given it can accommodate sport all year round – even in the Irish winter! My congratulations to Banteer on receiving this funding; I look forward to seeing these ambitious plans being realised in the very near future,” added Cllr. O’Shea.