Saturday 25 January 2025
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O’Shea Encourages Local Engagement in Major Fáilte Ireland initiative

O’Shea Encourages Local Engagement in Major Fáilte Ireland initiative

Councillor John Paul O’Shea, Fine Gael general election candidate for Cork North West, has this week welcomed an announcement by Fáilte Ireland that it will invest €150 million into the development of major new visitor attractions across the country. 

Cllr. O’Shea said the new ‘Platforms for Growth’ initiative is the largest in Fáilte Ireland’s history and is designed to fund projects that will increase tourist numbers in all regions of the country. Fáilte Ireland will make a minimum investment of 2.5 million in each approved project, up to 75% of the total cost of approved developments. The scheme will initially be focused on developing interactive and cultural attraction. 

Cllr. O’Shea said the most recent tourism figures from the Central Statistics Office show that the total number of trips to Ireland increased in the first four months of the year, up more than 5% on the same time last year. Enhancing the existing tourist-related sites and developing new attractions will ensure that Ireland’s tourism industry remains strong into the future, he said. 

“Across the Cork North West region there is enormous potential for tourism-related developments. We live in a beautiful part of the country and there is a wealth of history, culture and heritage that can be opened up to tourists who are considering a visit to Ireland. 

Fáilte Ireland is currently seeking interested groups to put forward proposals they have and will work with these groups to progress their ideas and bring them to fruition. I would encourage interested parties and communities to consider making an application for funding to Fáilte Ireland, and I would be happy to assist in any I can. Working together in Cork North West, we can make our region even more attractive and welcoming to tourists. That is something that will benefit us all,” Cllr. O’Shea said.