Saturday 18 January 2025
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O’Shea Welcomes Plans to Upgrade Kanturk Town Park Walkway

O’Shea Welcomes Plans to Upgrade Kanturk Town Park Walkway

North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea has this week welcomed plans by Cork County Council to upgrade the walkways in Kanturk Town Park. 

Confirmation was given to Cllr. O’Shea and other members of the Kanturk/Mallow Municipal District that Cork County Council had applied to the Department of Rural & Community Development for funding under the Outdoor Recreation Grant Scheme to upgrade the walkways in Kanturk Town Park

Welcoming the plans for Kanturk Town Park, Cllr. O’Shea said: “It is important the we invest in our Parks and Amenities within our Town and Kanturk has an amazing Park. Many people have discussed with me the need to upgrade the pathways within the Park and I am glad this is now becoming a reality. Works are already afoot to upgrade facilities at the playground within Kanturk Town Park and I am hopeful we will get monies to upgrade the Park over the coming months. 

An enormous amount of work has already been done to upgrade the park in recent months with two community gatherings in the Town Park completing a great makeover of the Park. “There is great community spirit in Kanturk; the Town Park Committee, Tidy Towns & Community Council to name a few organisation do trojan work to keep Kanturk looking so well. I look forward to seeing the Park improve further in the years ahead”.