Tuesday 11 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

Pieta House Ball 17th June 2017 – Clayton Hotel, Lapps Quay, Cork City

Pieta House Ball 17th June 2017 – Clayton Hotel, Lapps Quay, Cork City

The Pieta House Ball will take place on Saturday, 17th June at the Clayton Hotel, Lapps Quay, Cork City.

The theme of the ball is ”Everyday is an Adventure” The idea of this is to put a positive on such a serious issue and of course how short life can be and for us all to embrace everyday.

The night promises to be a place where new friendships can be made and a reminder that there will always be good times. 

The night will be full of entertainment, grandeur, fine dining and fun that gives people an opportunity to come together in support of the fundamental services by Pieta House Ireland. 

You can purchase tickets from Gavin Farmer on 085 2532789 or by e-mail on gavfarmer@hotmail.com