Tuesday 11 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

Prepare for Brexit – Up to €5,000 grant available for companies to help develop an action plan

Prepare for Brexit – Up to €5,000 grant available for companies to help develop an action plan

A new grant scheme has been announced in order to support Enterprise Ireland clients in preparing an action plan for their business on Brexit.

The “Be Prepared Grant” is designed for SMEs who would benefit from further research and the use of external expertise in developing this plan. The grant— which offers up to €5,000 in support— can be used to help cover consultancy, travel and travel expenses associated with researching the direction of their action plan. This might involve investigating the feasibility of diversifying into new markets and market segments; investment in innovation; improvement in operational competitiveness; and/or enhancement of strategic financial capability.

Clients should complete the Brexit Scorecard before making their application.

Am I eligible?

The grant is open to existing clients of Enterprise Ireland that meet the following criteria:

·         Actively trading

·         Engaged in eligible activities

·         Will be impacted by Brexit

·         Have completed the Brexit scorecard

Clients of Udarás na Gaeltachta should apply directly to that agency which has a similar offer for its clients.

Ineligible Companies

·         Companies whose products are listed in Annex 1 to the EU Treaty (TFEU) which include:

·         Horticulture companies

·         Fish processors

·         Other primary producers

What costs are eligible and what is the maximum funding available?

The maximum grant available is €5,000. The grant is calculated at a maximum of 50% of eligible expenditure incurred by the successful applicant.

Eligible Costs

·         Fees of external consultants to cover the following areas: Strategy, market development, innovation, operations, people and finance.

·         Employee travel and travel expenses (domestic and international) related to research as outlined above.

Ineligible Costs

·         Expenditure prior to date of application

·         Consultant expenses

·         Sales related expenses

·         Trade Fair participation costs

·         Salaries

·         Overheads

How do I apply?

You can apply via the Enterprise Ireland Online Application System

Prior to applying you should complete the Brexit Scorecard at www.prepareforbrexit.ie

Clients of Cork County Council’s Local Enterprise Offices are now able to access the scorecard and assess their exposure to Brexit. Micro and smaller businesses can self-diagnose whether they are ready for Brexit and view specific events and resources available to them to assist with planning.