Tuesday 18 February 2025
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Email : johnpaul.oshea@oireachtas.ie

Public consultation on the National Broadband Plan‏

The Department of Communications Energy and Natural Resources have a consultation open on the National Broadband Plan to get the views of citizens, stakeholders and representative bodies. This consultation will conclude at 5.00 pm on 12th February 2015.

It will be important to let communities, private individuals and businesses that they can have their say on how and where the National Broadband Plan will be rolled out.

The consultation Documents are available at www.broadband.gov.ie

The key consultation questions are :

·        The accuracy of the broadband map and how it has been developed;

·        The proposed changes to the Next Generation Access (NGA)  assessment criteria following the call for inputs in June 2014 which were used to develop the Map;

·        The most appropriate process to capture any changes or updates to NGA coverage arising over time;

·        What should be deemed a strategic connection point for the purposes of Connecting Communities, for example schools and hospitals

·        Invites further submissions of mapping data from operators who have planned to deploy high speed broadband services.

To contribute, a template has been developed for submissions and the closing date and time is 5.00 pm on 12th February 2015.