Monday 20 January 2025
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Registration for the GP Visit Card Carers scheme is now Live

Registration for the GP Visit Card Carers scheme is now Live

Extra 14,000 carers now eligible for free GP visit card Register on

Since 1st September 2018 all persons in receipt of Carer’s Allowance or Carer’s Benefit are able to attend a GP free of charge. 

Registration is now open and applies to carers who are currently in receipt of either full or half rate Carer’s Allowance or Carer’s Benefit, and who do not currently hold a Medical or GP Visit card.

A safe, fast and convenient online system for carers to register for their free GP Visit Card is now live on Paper registration forms are also available from local offices, Citizen Information Centres and available to download from

On 12 July 2018, the Minister for Health Simon Harris TD recognised that carers are the ‘backbone of the caring profession in every community’, thereby appreciating the need for further supports for those who are caring for the most vulnerable in our society.This initiative re-enforces the Government’s aim under the National Carers Strategy, which seeks to respond to their needs so that they are supported to maintain their own health and well-being and to care with confidence, and it will benefit approximately 14,000 persons who up to now do not qualify for a Medical Card or GP Visit Card on means or age grounds. All carers who already hold active Medical Card or GP Visit Card eligibility from a previous application retain this eligibility. There is no requirement for them to also register for eligibility on the GP Visit Card for Carers scheme.

The National Medical Card Unit has now implemented the administrative and logistical arrangement necessary to give effect to this policy decision by Government.

Further information on the scheme is available on or by calling 1890 282 919.