Friday 17 January 2025
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Success for Charleville, IRD Duhallow & Rockchapel in Community Water Development Fund Grants

Success for Charleville, IRD Duhallow & Rockchapel in Community Water Development Fund Grants

North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea has welcomed the recent announcement of the Community Water Development Fund grants which have been issued by the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO).

Totalling some €510,000 in grants, the latest call has seen 182 successful applications nationally for funding in 2022. First introduced in 2018, the fund supports communities and groups to deliver projects that enhance the quality of local streams, rivers, lakes, and coastal areas. The Department of Housing, Local Government, and Heritage provide the funding which is administered by LAWPRO. There is growing interest in the fund, which is clear by the numbers of applications received year on year.

Full details of all grants awarded are available at

Some North Cork groups who received funding are as follows:

IRD Duhallow Clg.

Connecting Duhallow farmers and communities through riparian tree planting in two Blue Dot Catchments.


€ 6,500.00

Charlevillle Tidy Towns


Treatment of Invasive Species in Charleville Area close to the Glen River.


€ 3,014.60

Rockchapel Development Association


River Feale Water Quality, Biodiversity & Environmental Awareness Project including schools engagement and signage.


€ 3,000.00


Commenting on the allocations, Cllr. O’Shea said, “I welcome the announcement of the Community Water Development Fund grants which will support local communities and groups to deliver projects that enhance the quality of local streams, rivers, lakes, and coastal areas. I am pleased that the Department of Housing, Local Government, and Heritage funds this scheme, which is a great example of community engagement and public participation. The Community Water Development Fund will continue to be a key measure in the new revised and strengthened River Basin Management Plan, which will be launched later this year. The Plan aims to protect Ireland’s water quality, and to ensure we have a well-protected environment and vibrant communities for future generations.”

Types of projects approved for funding include:

– River and habitat enhancement works such as planting of native species and hedgerow, pollinator friendly planting, river-bank stabilisation, fencing and riparian buffer zones.– Match funding for large LEADER funded projects with a biodiversity/water quality element.– Preparation of local plans such as feasibility studies, habitat management plans, ecological surveys, and biodiversity action plans.– Awareness raising initiatives such as river clean ups, biodiversity information boards, citizen science workshops, outdoor classrooms, rainwater harvesting, and enhancement of wetlands.

This year, an additional €10,000 was awarded as part of the Blue Dot Programme. The Blue Dot Award for 2022 was shared between two groups; IRD Duhallow in North Cork and CELT (Centre for Environmental Living & Training) in Galway. Blue Dots are catchments which are mostly unpolluted and are our best quality waters.

Minister of State Malcolm Noonan TD added, “I want to congratulate IRD Duhallow and CELT as they share the 2022 Blue Dot Award and commend all the successful applicants who will receive funding. I welcome the collaborative approach led by my Department, the Local Authority Waters Programme, working across all 31 local authorities with relevant State agencies, stakeholder and local communities with the shared goal of meeting the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive to have all natural waters at a good stand by 2027.”