Saturday 18 January 2025
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Three Schools in Charleville Successful in Accessing DEIS Programme

Three Schools in Charleville Successful in Accessing DEIS Programme

The Department of Education has announced €32 million major expansion of the DEIS programme incorporating 310 new schools in the country.

Delighted to see three Schools included for Charleville – Scoil Na mBraithre Boys Snr School, Scoil Naomh Aine Girls Snr School & St. Joseph’s Convent NS.
Schools in the DEIS programme avail of a range of targeted supports aimed at tackling educational disadvantage, including additional classroom teaching posts, home school community liaison coordinator posts, DEIS grant funding and access to the School Completion Programme.
Schools have been identified for inclusion in the programme through the refined DEIS identification model which is an objective, statistics-based model which uses information from the Department of Education enrolment databases and the Pobal HP Deprivation index. Schools were not required to apply for inclusion in the DEIS programme and the model has been applied fairly and equally to all schools.
North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea welcomed the news for Schools in Charleville saying: “Today’s announcement demonstrates our commitment to inclusive education and supporting students facing disadvantage. I am pleased that we can provide additional supports to those schools and communities that need it most.”
Full info is available here –