Avondhu Blackwater Partnership is running a training programme in Basic Finance for Community & Voluntary Groups in Mallow on Tuesday 9th and 16th November next. The training will take place in the Forest View Resource House and will run from 7 to 9 pm.
The course will focus on:
- Basic account management
- Funding from statutory bodies & other agencies
- Preparing grant applications
- Meeting requirements of funding agencies
- Ensuring local support & investment
Avondhu Blackwater Partnership also hopes to follow on from this course with another training opportunity in community structures and organisation. This course will focus on:
- Legal aspects of creating a community or voluntary organisation
- Roles and responsibilities of members
- Creating committees, constitutions, articles of association & conducting meetings (assessment of existing structures)
- Human Resource basics
- Effective Chairing: Agendas, timekeeping and roles
- Organising meetings and events
As of yet no dates or venue have been confirmed for this course but if you or your community are interested, please express your interest as soon as possible to David Hobbs in Avondhu Blackwater Partnership on 025 33411.