Saturday 25 January 2025
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Village of Kiskeam gets €57k to “play” with

Village of Kiskeam gets €57k to “play” with

Members of the Kiskeam Development Association are this week busy planning the establishment of their very own community playground after receiving funding of just over €57,000 from the North Cork Local Action Group (LAG) through its implementing partner IRD Duhallow. The funding is provided as part of the Leader Rural Development Programme 2014 – 2020.

Welcoming the funding, Cork North West Fine Gael General Election candidate Councillor John Paul O’Shea said “this is wonderful news for Kiskeam and for the community it serves. Cork County Council has already allocated an additional €14k earlier this year as part of its annual Municipal Districts Community Grants Scheme to assist in the development of the playground. The creation of a community playground will enhance the community life of the village and will also help to address the current identified needs of the area”.

Kiskeam Development Association in conjunction with Cork County Council are progressing this new playground for the village of Kiskeam. The full cost of the playground will be in excess of €120k so an element of community fundraising will be required. The grant monies allocated will go toward the cost of groundworks, completion of fencing and purchasing of playground equipment.

Cllr. O’Shea added “the new playground will provide another key focal point within the village for families to enjoy and integrate within their community. The people of Kiskeam have responded well over the years to the many new developments within the village and I am sure they will now embrace this new community playground also and strive to make their village a nice, enjoyable and positive place to live”.