Works are to commence next month (February 2024) on improving pedestrian safety in the town of Charleville.
The existing 5 pedestrian crossings within the town will be refurbished and upgraded to “table top” pedestrian crossings and each crossing will have improved visibility for pedestrians and motorists. There will be an additional pedestrian crossing constructed in the vicinity of the junction at Broad Street within the Town.
The southbound bus stop will be moved southwards to facilitate a lesser gradient slope when entering/exiting buses at this stop. It will also allow for easier access for bus users to the nearest pedestrian crossing.
The northbound bus stop will be separated from the existing loading bay area in this location so as to have a separate space for a loading bay and a separate space for the bus stop. This will improve the facilities for buses and deliveries within the town which as people know is a bottleneck in the town currently.
Cork County Council will also be introducing a No Right-Turn from Newline onto the N20 and also No Right-Turn from Broad Street onto the N20 so as to allow all traffic exiting at both these junctions to do so with the traffic and not allowed to cross the N20 at these locations which holds up traffic flow through the town.
Cork County Council is working with TII and the local business community in Charleville in order to provide additional parking off the main street in Charleville. Once this is achieved, the herringbone (angle in) parking will be removed and replaced with parallel parking. This will be a significant step forward in removing the need for people parking on the main street to reverse out on the N20 when exiting their parking.
Cork County Council will also be assessing the junctions entering and exiting Baker’s Road in order to improve these junctions for motorists and pedestrians.
Cork County Council in conjunction with TII is also proceeding with the strategic assessment report in order to progress with an Eastern Relief Road in Charleville. This will continue in 2024.
Commenting on the upcoming works in Charleville, Cllr. John Paul O’Shea said there has been a lot of surveys and assessments done on Charleville’s main street since the tragic fatalities last year. These upcoming works are very welcome and I know will be well received by the people of the Town. These works are vital for the safety of all in our Town and will improve the safety of pedestrians who cross the main street in Charleville. Works will be done in the evening/night time in the main which will hopefully limit traffic delays to a minimum. I am looking forward to seeing these works being completed over the coming weeks and I will do my best as a public representative for the area to continue to improve the safety of our pedestrians in Charleville into the future”.