Monday 20 January 2025
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11,000 people in North Cork benefit from free GP care under Varadkar Government – O’Shea 

11,000 people in North Cork benefit from free GP care under Varadkar Government – O’Shea 

More than 11,000 people in North Cork can now visit the GP free of charge as a result of health reforms introduced by Fine Gael over the past two and a half years. 

That’s according to Cork North West Fine Gael General Election candidate Councillor John Paul O’Shea who said the party has eliminated the cost of seeing the doctor for over 45,000 people since June 2017, when Leo Varadkar was elected Taoiseach. 

“Fine Gael believes in universal healthcare. We believe the cost of going to the doctor should never be a barrier for families accessing care,” Cllr. O’Shea said. 

“We have made some progress. We have removed the cost of visiting the doctor for our carers and provided medical cards to children with disabilities. We have introduced free GP care for children under the age of six. 

“We want to do more and will start with children aged six and seven in September this year.” 

Cllr. O’Shea added: “Minister for Health Simon has confirmed to me 11,006 people in our constituency have benefited from these measures. 

“It is important we balance the need to reduce the cost of healthcare with the necessity to resource our GPs. 

“Minister Harris and Taoiseach Leo Varadkar announced a €210 million agreement with GPs but we know we must do more. 

“This is why we will launch a review of general practice this year and hold discussions with the Irish Medical Organisation on a new fee for free GP care for under sixes and sevens.” 

Fine Gael has made a number of steps to reduce the cost of healthcare including reductions in the monthly Drugs Payment Scheme threshold, reduction in prescription charges and giving more access to medical cards for those aged 70. 

Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD added: “These changes are about ensuring and supporting care in the community setting, a fundamental goal of Sláintecare. 

“You can check your eligibility for the GP visit card at and you can apply for the Drugs Payment Scheme at or through your Local Health Office. The reduction in prescription fees will be applied automatically. 

“This is another step forward benefitting people across society: young, old, families, single people, low income and better off.”