Saturday 25 January 2025
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Completion of Two Housing Estates in Dromina To Proceed

Completion of Two Housing Estates in Dromina To Proceed

North Cork Fine Gael Councillor John Paul O’Shea has welcomed the announcement by Cork County Council that they have given the go ahead for the completion of two housing estates in Dromina, Co Cork.

Both the Meadowside and The Gables estates in Dromina were left incomplete by the developers and Cork County Council has since secured the bond monies for both estates. A list of works has been agreed and works will be completed shortly by contractor Mac Plant and Civils Ltd.

Welcoming the works in Dromina, Cllr. O’ Shea said “I very much welcome that these works are to proceed. I have been engaging with local residents in both estates here for many months now on their willingness to see these works completed as soon as possible. These works will very much enhance both estates as they have remained incomplete since they were built”.

Cllr. O’Shea added “This will allow Cork County Council to take in charge the services within the estate such as the roads, footpaths, public lighting etc. It will also allow for Irish Water to take in charge the water and waste water services within the estate. I know this will of great relief to all residents involved and I look forward to seeing the works completed over the coming weeks”.

Seven estates in total are to be completed in North Cork within this phase of works. In addition to the Meadowside and The Gables estates in Dromina, Castlepark & Brookfield estates in Mallow & Cois Tobar, Ard Na Gaoithe & Cluain Na Greine in Dromahane will also be completed to a taking in charge standard over the coming weeks.