Saturday 18 January 2025
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Cork County Council Expands the Age Friendly Towns Programme to three further towns in County Cork

Cork County Council Expands the Age Friendly Towns Programme to three further towns in County Cork

Following the success of the Kinsale Age Friendly Towns Programme, Cork County Council has awarded funding to three additional towns over the next two years to implement the Age Friendly Towns Programme in their respective areas.

The successful towns were Cobh, Bandon and Mitchelstown.

The overall aim of the programme is to improve the quality of life for older people through extensive consultation and identification of key issues for the relevant stakeholders to address. An Age Friendly Town Committee will oversee the programme in each town bringing together diverse organisations, groups, services and businesses to streamline their work, with the expressed interests and needs of older people central to their goals.


As life expectancy increases, the need to ensure that Cork becomes a great county in which to grow old is increasing too. Very often simple things will improve everyone’s quality of life. Secure neighbourhoods are safe for children, youth and older adults. Barrier free buildings and streets enhance the mobility and independence of both younger and older persons with disabilities. The whole community benefits from the participation of older persons in volunteer work and civic activities.

For further information contact please Aileen at 021 4285934 or email